Tuesday, November 3, 2020

11/3/20 Pupdate

It was a big day here.  The puppies and I got up early so I could get everything ready before going to vote.  They were right on board with eating breakfast at that hour.  So were the big dogs, which is nice because GreatGrammieSammie has entered that stage of life where she isn’t always willing to eat before 11am.

The MSU was still asleep when I went up to get ready so I tuned their camera to my phone.  For some reason, it runs my battery down really fast so we don’t usually use mine (plus I can only listen to them) and it did this am, too in less than 40 minutes.  They were sleeping soundly most of the time but I was ready enough to come back down anyway.  I finished changing out their linens and they woke up to ‘help’ me with that.  I finally threw away their 7Up box during clean up, poor puppies will miss that but they’ve flattened it and really have to work to fir in there.

Aunt Grandma LeAnne came to sit with them so I could go vote.  She brought the GrandMaterGator, too.  and Laurie (so we met another new human.). She’d been out of town so they’ve grown a LOT since she’s seen them.  Today’s big new addition to the pen was a crinkly cat tunnel.  As expected, it was a big hit.  It’s been so cold outside, I turned the floor on under their area so we had to keep opening and closing the doors to make it tolerable.

The trip to vote and back didn’t take half an hour (Yay!) so we were back to play after I changed out of my nicer clothes for something more suited to waller with puppies and the other adults took the big dogs for a mini romp with a little ponding time, too.  I coudl tell from the camera alerts (and the barking) when they were headed back so I met them in the utility room and bathed the big dogs.  As soon as she ws clean (but not fully deburred; she somehow had more than anyone else), Phoebe insisted to be reunited with her children while I bathed the other dogs.  Her reunion consisted of a quick trip through the pen and clean up of the potty area (good girl) and then a cuddle on the couch with LeAnne and Laurie sat in the pen with the babies.\

Before long, Cindi arrived and she carried the last awake puppy while we ate.  (The big dogs had chicken time - Caly was really happy about that, she can’t convince her mother that she should still eat this many times a day at home) and then we fed the puppies.  They were almost all asleep so not as interested.  Plus it was soaked kibble slurry and that is apparently not as good as meat in goat milk formula.  They ate enough and the big dogs prewashed the dishes for me.

LeAnne and Laurie took CalyGator home and dog Cindi and I did puppy nails with the dremel and then clipped a little more in some instances.  We did the big dogs’ nails (it’d been way too long so we clipped and dremeled) and then took the babies on an adventure.  We loaded them up in the crates in Cindi’s van (and took their Mama in the princess bed) and drove down the driveway to get the mail, to the buildings; turned around and came back inside the house/pen.  There were a couple of isolated fussy noises but mostly they were asleep when we were getting them out to bring them back inside. 

Cindi was tasked with keeping the puppies away from the edge of the pen so I could add another piece with a gate.  The puppies were mostly compliant until Phoebe insisted on going in and out repeatedly.  One of them fussed at me when I closed the gap before it could follow her out.  They can be quite vocal when they so choose. 

The rest of the evening has been mostly sleeping with a little isolated playing, a little more eating (some from the Mama and some from me) and some really good potty decisions.  Several times today, puppies definitely decided to stop what they were doing and head to the potty area to pee.  Such smart puppies!

My head hurts (botox is due next week so things like not sleeping enough and weather changes are going to make that happen even more) so I skipped the kennel club zoom meeting and we’re going to rest up for another big day of meeting new people tomorrow.  Who knows what else we’ll find to get into (you can rest assured it will include puppies being adorable and cuddling) - tune in tomorrow to find out.  Until then we’ll say nighty nighty, nighty and send puppy breath to all.

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