Thursday, November 19, 2020

11/19/20 Pupdate

Pupsters were good babies again last night.  We went outside to potty first thing this am and then had breakfast in the castle sandbox.  Poor little FauxReal was pooping way far away in the rock at the back gate.  She made it back well before everything was gone (I’d have given her some more if it was all gone)

I brought them back inside while I ran the vacuum and steamed the floor.  No point in letting them miss a day of vacuuming. The steam mop isn’t loud but it does make some noise as does the sprayer with the cleaner.

We went back outside when they woke and they played and played and ran amok.  Then they finally started settling in for naps.  I was going to put them in the playhouse but I couldn’t find the doorstop (clear is not the best choice for someone with no real usable vision).  While I was searching for it, a couple of the puppies were unwilling to settle down.  Then I noticed feet in the window of the playhouse.  Upon further checking, there was a puppy standing on the table with his front feet on the window hole.  I reached in and put him down on the floor (it’s finally a good thing I have monkey arms) then I opened the door and gave up on getting things from inside the house ready before the vet came.

The pupsters met 2 new people today and were introduced to squirty cheese.  They’ve had string cheese but I just took it for granted that they’d like squirty cheese (I was right).  They showed off their ability to sit so that people can pet them, too.  I don’t do the whole “manding by sitting” because I don’t want sit as a defualt behavior but I do reward them more when they aren’t leaping onto me

They were also introduced to getting stuck with needles but nobody seemed to notice that.  One puppy fussed a little at the microchip but didn’t stop eating .  For the first time in all of our microchip insertions, we had one misfire and the poor baby had to get another sitck.  It didn’t bother her and she just got a little more squirty cheese. (It’s slightly annoying becuase I buy the prepaid microchips but it’s not like I do any of this in a frugal manner)

They ran around a little in the pretty weather (not summer pretty but there was some sunshine and it wasn’t freezing cold wind) and when they started to go to sleep, I brought them inside.  I find it amusing that they all choose to sleep on/under the elevated bed if the screen door is open.  If it is closed, they sleep across the pen in the crate.  Funny puppies.  I also find it REALLY adorable that they wake up and hurry across the pen to pee in the potty area and then go back pile back up with the other pupsters.  They are SO cute.

At 10 pm, they woke up and were insistent on going outside.  So we had our first trip out in the dark.  I suspect it will continue now as several of them are developing a definite preference for going outside to poop.  Good puppies.  We’re going to cuddle up and call it a night.  Nighty, nighty, nighty Puppy breath to all!

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