Tuesday, November 10, 2020

11/10/20 Pupdate

It was quite an eventful day with the puppies today!  We stayed inside until about noon so it could warm up because the deck was still wet from washing it off last night.  They must not have been cold because I couldn’t convince them to stay in the sunshine.  They certainly seemed to have a good time playing with leaves, each other, climbing in/on/out/off of things and generally just gamboling about the yard.  In the most adorable ways possible.

The Grandma Aunties came because we planned to use the potentially last pretty day to go swimming.  It was 80some degrees and sunny so we need to do it while we can.  Another friend came (another new person!) to help, too so after they ate a light lunch and had a little nap (and the sun helped warm everything up a little more), we loaded them into the van and drove up the hill to the pond.  We took the mama, too just in case she was needed.  She got to run around while we arranged things and ourselves (I wore neoprene pants because I KNOW the pond is not as warm as I like).  

One by one, we introduced the puppies to swimming!  GrandmaAunt Cindi video’d with her phone; LeAnne called from shore and Pat cuddled puppies post swim.  As usual, the puppies did not start swimming until their chins hit the water.  A couple of puppies even let their face go under (that’s a skill they’ll eventually need in water work) before they started swimming. They were better at swimming than going to LeAnne - they kept going on swimabout until I started going along with them with my hand out in front so they’d follow it.  

After everyone got cuddled and warmed up a little (they dried quickly in the nice warm sunshine), we fed them more puppy mousse and let them play a little and let the Mama out too (we crated her while we did the swims).  They followed me in the grass a little and I made certain everyone went through the sand (but didn’t eat it just in case). Then we loaded back up because some of them were going to sleep and came back to the dog yard for a nice big nap.  Well, they got a nice big nap.  I did laundry from the big pond adventure.

When they woke and played a little more, I brought them back into the house because I didn’t want them to get chilled.  They did a pretty good job following me in but it’s a little disconcerting to them that Deja finds it VERY exciting to run along with me while I call.  (He still has a fair amount of puppy in him, too ). The aren’t afraid of it but it makes it harder for me to keep track of where they are as we make our way across the floor.  I should probably just sit and wait for them to make it but I probably won’t do that.  It shouldn’t be too much longer before they’ll eat a little dry kibble and I can start using the Treat n Train to get them all of the way into the pen. 

They’ve had a good dinner, a lot of napping and a little playing and we’re going to cuddle a little before it’s time for nighty, nighty nighty (I’m pretty sleepy already) so puppy breath to all!

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