Sunday, November 8, 2020

11/7/2020 5 Weeks Old!

How is this even possible that they are 5 weeks old?  I guess time flies when you are having fun! The weekly(ish) photo shoot is postponed until tomorrow though.

I changed out their rickrack collars yesterday because they were all tight but I made them longer so they would show but they were grabbing them and chewing on the ends.  I decided I wouldn’t sleep for worrying about it and took them all off before we went to sleep.  So everybody is streaking.  When Dog Cindi and I were talking about it today, she was worried we wouldn’t be able to tell who was who before we put them back.  I can tell them apart just fine but I spend a lot of time with them.  (And I’ve ordered breakaway cat collars so others can tell them apart but they can’t get hurt playing attack the sibling. I’ll put the rickrack back when people come until we have those)

We had a good night for a pleasant tomorrow - but they had a more pleasant tomorrow than I did.  (This week is Botox, thank goodness.). They are being good little bite havers- it’s a little amazing to me how quickly they change.  They were still strictly nursing a week ago.

Lunchtime was a picnic followed by a little playtime with GreatGrammieSammie and DaddyDeja.  Deja actively played withthem more than GreatGrammieSammie.  He’d lure them into grabbing at his face and then gently run around the stuff on the deck (playhouse/castle sandbox top/ chairs) which I found made it difficult to keep track of the puppies.  Especially if only some were playing with him.  We’ll get back into the swing of it - it’s been a LONG time (10 years ?) since I’ve had a puppy his age here full time with little puppies.

The brave little toasters went out into the grass on their own several times.  They even waited until I’d opened the gate for them.  Getting back inside is getting better but they  still don’t all make it completely back to the pen under their own steam.  There are too many distractions along the way to keep them all heading in the right direction.  I may move one of the remote treat dispensers to that side of the room to keep the adults heading that way to help cut down on them being a distraction.  We’re going to miss the nice warm weather when it goes away but maybe we’ll get lucky and it will last.

Playtime involves a lot more use of needle teeth and they can actually grip and move surprisingly heavy things.  I can’t tell if they realize when they are the one on the fleece/blanket/toy keeping it from moving but they stop that faster than they give up dragging a sibling on a magic carpet ride.  I’m going to have to start wearing shoes that protect my toes as least part of the time as well until they learn a little bite inhibition from each other/the Mama.  They usually just gnaw fairly gently but it’s dosconcerting if they get hold of a toe while I am walking.

They also enjoy being cuddled and brushed and give good kisses (so far, they aren’t zombie face eating kisses but they definitely grab at each other’s faces and the the faces/ears of an investigating big dog.) The time periods they are awake are a little longer and much more active but they still sleep a lot of the time so there are plenty of opportunities to cuddle a sleeping puppy or two at a time.  They are winding down as am I so we are going to say Nighty, nighty, nighty. Puppy breath to all!

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