Sunday, November 15, 2020

11/15/20 Pupdate

Things I forgot yesterday:  One of the puppies took Aunt/Grandma Cindi’s keys out of her pocket and carried them out into the yard from the deck. Her keyring is quite large with a big heavy whistle on it.  They also managed to get some of the plastic chains from the activity cube

We don’t put puppies down when they are struggling/flailing.  We aren’t at all mean about it, we just help them soothe and then put them down to go chase whatever leaf/sibling/person/thought caught their fancy - it’s not a contest of wills; it’s just not safe for a puppy to go flying out of someones arms so we help them learn to ask calmly.  Someone was holding one of the puppies on the other side of the deck and it started to fly out so she had to calm it before putting it down.  It took a second to settle (they are used to how I do it but not everyone feels the same) and as soon as she put the puppy down, it ran over to me as if to tattle - “Do you know what she did to me?”  Great GrammieSammie used to tattle on Cindi when she wouldn’t let her have her way so it’s funny for us to see the puppies doing that already.

I’m trying to be a better chronicler today so I’m typing this as I sit in the open door to the deck (behind the Mickey Mouse fence).  It’s raining and the puppies are in the playhouse napping.  They were all in there napping when the rain began but 5 of them are apparently like their sire and had to go outside to investigate the rain.  It’s been a fair amount of rain so I keep putting on my jacket and hood and creeping out the pool room door to check on them.  The big dogs are annoyed because usually going out that door means something exciting (food or going to romp) and all I do is go into the dog yard and sneak over to check on the playhouse.

They were good puppies in the night again.  Apparently, Phoebe went in to check on them at some time because there was a toy she had last night in with them this morning.  At this point, I am very much just sleeping down her for me, not them.  If I try to sleep upstairs in my bed, I am awake to much wondering.  I could either wake up the MSU to make him look at them on the camera or I could come downstairs, check and then go back up to bed.  This way, I get more sleep.  They were all in the crate when I got up.

As I was saying good morning to them by the potty area, the gate to the short ex pen opened.  I guess I didn’t get it fastened well enough (at all?) yesterday when I cleaned their area/plucked out the poop.  At any rate, 2 puppies came out to greet me and 2 more were heading through so I couldn’t staunch the flow.  It was easier just to take them outside so I did.  And I’m glad I did because it was remarkably nice outside.  Windy but that just makes more leaves blow in for them.  Leaves are BIG fun to the pupsters so they don’t consider that a bad thing at all.  It did make it harder for me to get dressed, etc. because I won’t leave them outside unattended.  (We have some large birds of prey and I don’t want them trying to get one of my puppies). I’m wearing ‘emergency drawer’ clothes. (I keep some clothes in the utility room in case I get too wet giving showers, etc.  I can’t stand wearing wet clothes; makes one wonder how I ended up with Water Dogs, doesn’t it). I’ve combed (not styled but combed) my hair and brushed my teeth so I may not look good/oresentable but I am decent.  My priorities have changed significantly since I got dogs ;-)

The pupsters were still outside when the visitors came today (same people so no new additions to the count) but they woke up by the time they got inside; washed up; shoes changed; etc, they were awake and starting to wander out of the playhouse.  So I walked out into the yard to give them a chance to pee (the puppies not the visitors) before we went back inside the house.  Since everybody had really wet feet by then, we carried them inside instead of calling them across the floor.  It’s harder to work out calling them inside with multilple people because the ones that are already to the pen will turn around and run back to the other person calling them like in the come game.  They’ll learn but better not to learn on mostly clean floors with wet little feet ;-)

The babies had a good visit with the people.  They played and napped cuddled and ate and played and and cuddled and napped some more.  Too bad they don’t like people ;-). Eventually, the puppies were drifting off to sleep and the visitors had to start their drive home.

Since I stay out of the puppy pen (mostly) when they have visitors so I make sure the puppies don’t focus on me instead of the other people, I needed to make up for lost time.  I cuddled some while they slept and played some and I was mobbed by all 7 puppies at once, too ;-).   It hasn’t been very nice weather this afternoon - REALLY big wind blowing the mickey mouse fence around - so we’ve stayed inside. The puppies have been sleeping most of the time and playing lower key with each other and the new toys in the pen.

I’m about to have to start closing the gate to the tall section of ex pen as at least one puppy is extremely close to climbing out.  Hopefully, Phoebe will wait for me to open it when she wants to go in but she may just go over the lower part.  Phoebe likes to sail over things (she repeatedly leaps over the puppy gate from the dog door to the deck instead of just going around through the yard so we’ll see.

I’m getting very sleepy so I’m going to get the dogs ready for nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all!

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