Sunday, November 29, 2020

11/29/20 Pupdate

The pupsters slept in crates in the pool room last night!  They each got a buddy (one crate had 3) and were side by side.  They fussed a few minutes after I sang the songs but I turned off the lights and waited and they snuggled in to sleep. I woke up at a little before 4am and before i got back to sleep I heard one of them make a little noise.  I was moving to go soothe them back to sleep but Deja immediately moved up to cuddle more and whoever it was stopped.  I can’t deicde if he knew they’d be ok or if he’s just unsympathetic to their plight ;-) He’s generally pretty concerned with them so I’m going to choose that he knew they were ok.

When I got up a little after 7am, it wasn’t really light outside but it was on the way and they weren’t fussing yet so I went outside (to barricade the dog door) and then into the door that I take them through to the crates.  I let them all out and they immediately ran outside and into the grass and peed.  I checked the crates and no accidents!  Good puppies.  Slightly less good, for the second time (this week) I blockaded the dog door before Great GrammieSammie went out to potty and she had to go before we switched.  Tomorrow, I’ll make sure she goes out with us before I block it off. 

I know I say everything they do is adorable (and I’m not wrong) but there aren’t many things cuter than a whole litter of puppies running out to potty in unison.  Also absolutely adorable -the whole litter running into the pen from outside.  They’ve gotten really good at it and they know the treat dispenser sound so they hurry and look at it waiting for it to spew forth the goods.  I’m always amazed at how fast they learn.  I guess I don’t learn as fast because they are REALLY smart, evne the old dogs.  (SDB is 13.5 and doesn’t have a lot of hearing left.  I’ve been using the treatntrain to remind Deja to stop alert barking after I give the cue.  He barked for something entirely different the other day and SDB immediately ran to get in on the treat dispensing she thought would be coming after he barked.  So much for “can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”  Unless they don’t think she qualifies as old.  I must qualify as old now because I can’t remember if I already posted that story and I’m too lazy to search back through to check)

It was freezing cold last night (literally).  They water in their outside dishes was frozen about an inch down.  I took it out and they thought that was one of the greatest things ever.  They had breakfast and potty time and then we came back inside because I’d had enough (I should’ve put on even more clothes than I did and they shouldn’t have put their excited little wet from playing with the ice feet all over me if they wanted to stay outside longer.)

They played with the ‘new’ toys in the pen and had a nap and we went back outside a little after 11 into what passes for sunshine this time of year in the holler.  It was warm enough that I didn’t need a coat so it was better than it’s going to be later this week.  Around noon thirty, their Aunt Stella’s family came to see them.  It was about lunch time so I gave them their food in dispensing toys.  They were torn between saying hi and getting back to the food melee.  Eventually, the food was gone so they concentrated their attention on the people (and their hair, shoe strings, clothes, fingers, etc.) and running out into the grass to potty.  

Then, since there was a good ratio of humans to puppies, we went outside the fence into the big yard.  The puppies REALLY enjoyed that.  They ran amok but stayed with us enough that the sighted people could keep up (I have to keep them closer or recall them a lot more to make sure). They explored the shrubs; the open grass; the tall grasses at the edge of the yard; the rocks out front; the leaves that have blown off of the trees (one puppy found a BIG one but siblings helped turn it into smaller pieces) and the ramp up onto the porch.  They are BIG fans of the ramps especially running up and down them at top speed.  They also found the areas underneath including the pots/planters I have there to shield the plant roots from the winter.  The endurance of the puppies has really increased in the last couple of weeks.

The leaf blower continues to be a BIG hit with the pupsters.  Other than that, we’ve had a rather subdued evening with a few trips out to potty.  We’re about to go out for last potty and then into the crates for nighty, nighty, nighty.  Fingers crossed for another good night.  Puppy breath to all!

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