Thursday, November 12, 2020

11/12/20 Pupdate Guest Post

 Fun Times in Pupville! by Aunt Grandma LeAnne

I arrived about 8 am to puppysit while Cristi went to an appointment.  As soon as I entered the room the clamoring began.  Apparently all who enter must IMMEDIATELY greet the pupsters (do not pass Go, do not collect $200!) Of course I obliged by climbing right into their enclosure with them.  It felt a little like getting into a shark tank - lots of swarming and teeth everywhere.  These are some very people focused puppies.  Their enclosure is full of interesting things to play with but they all wanted on me and they want lots of eye contact.  After lots of wrestling each other all over me, they moved on to playing with the toys.  They have sooo much energy.  One clever pup even dragged a toy into their little tunnel!  After about 45 minutes of non stop play they began to drift into piles for a nap.  Whew! I needed one too. All the pups napped in piles except for the above mentioned tunnel pup - that one slept right where she was in the tunnel with her prize.

Cristi came home and Aunt Grandma Cindi arrived with our people lunch.  After that I took the big dogs for a walk in the woods.  They topped off their romp with a quick dip in the pond.  Too cold for me but not for water dogs!  While Cristi bathed the big dogs, the two AGs (Aunt Grandmas) played with the puppies.  At one point AG Cindi brought a puppy out of the enclosure to play with us while the others all slept.  She explored the room quite confidently.  We then played the Come Game with her and she was quite good at it (calling and clapping "pup pup pup" so they run back and forth between us).  It was quite adorable.  All the noise woke the other puppies who also demanded turns.  We put the first puppy back and she was quite incensed and tried to climb out.  She wanted ALL the turns.  Nevertheless, we played the game with all the other pups and they all did great!

After that it was time for their outdoor time.  We AGs and 7 pups went outside while the big dogs enjoyed chicken time and supervising the Aunt Mamma in the cleaning and rearranging of the enclosure.  The pups had their lunch on the deck then ran all around the yard playing.  They acted like they were real dogs or something.  Up the ramp, down the ramp.  Round and round in the grass.  Attacking leaves.  All of the really cute things puppies do.  So much activity wore them out so 5 of them congregated in the playhouse to nap.  The other two?  Well the AGs had to hold them 😜  Eventually their space was ready for them and we took them all in.  By then the AGs were cold so they were convinced the puppies were cold too! They of course insisted they were not. After a busy and fun time, the AGs were tired and went home.  To nap of course!

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