Wednesday, November 18, 2020

11/18/20 Pupdate

The pupsters let me sleep until almost 8 am!  (And they didn’t get me up then but they certainly wanted attention when they knew I was awake). I think they woke up and said hi to the MSU when he came home from workn but it was pretty late so I’m not sure.  They went right back to sleep, too.  Such good puppies!  

It was 23 degrees outside this am but they insisted it was just fine.  I did NOT concur so I didn’t let them nap outside.  They were mostly cooperative about coming back inside but they made it clear they wanted to go back outside later.  

It was nicer this afternoon so we stayed outside longer.  I introduced them to my leaf blower and they thought it was great (and they were really excited that it made the leaves move, too) I wasn’t quite brave enough to open the gate to blow the leaves out with all of the puppies and dogs with me.  I can go in and out with the big dogs staying but the puppies do not make any such promises.  They like to be right where I need to put my feet (I really need to master hovering in mid air)

I held a weight watcher’s meeting in preparation for the vet’s visit tomorrow so she can bring their first heartworm pill,too.  (They won’t get it yet but they will have it before she comes again.) It is NOT my imagination, they have definitely grown!  We have more pounds of puppies than their mama weighs.  (I should weigh Deja to see when they pass him - it’s close if they haven’t already)

We also learned to eat bites of string cheese from my hand so we can be rewarded with more than just kisses and cuddles (which are high value right now but take longer to administer than a treat).  Have I mentioned how adorable they are?  I don’t know how they get cuter and cuter but they do!  Nighty, nighty, nighty Puppy breath to all y’all

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