Saturday, November 21, 2020

11/21/20 7 Weeks OLD!

 11/21/20 7 Weeks OLD!

How in this world are these puppies already 7 weeks old?!

We got up early today.  My sinuses were bothering me, so much for the pretty weather - grey and rainy today.  But the pupsters didn’t mind.  I was up before daylight today and finally just took the puppies outside too.  They don’t seem to care at all if it is dark when we are out.  

The pupsters continue to not care if it’s cool or rainy, I continue to be less enamored of it but they generally win out.  They had visitors this afternoon - bringing their unduplicated census of new people after week 4 to 33.  After they got over their disappointment over being brought inside, they were happy to interact with their company (mostly with their teeth) but they also did a fair amount of cuddling.

The big dogs are happy when we have company because after they are greeted, I usually keep some distance from the puppies (so they don’t just focus on me) and they get extra cuddles from the Mama.  If I do much, the puppies will get distracted.

I’m a bad blogger today.  I can’t think of much else to write - maybe I’ll do better after a nap.  Or tomorrow. Puppy breath to all

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