Sunday, November 15, 2020

11/14/2020 6 weeks old!

How is that even possible that the babies are 6 weeks old?!  This morning, I got up at 6 (it is NOT daylight at 6am here now) to turn off the alarm (for the MSU coming home from work) but I did not engage the puppies.  I think one might’ve eyeballed me but didn’t make any noise as I went in the other room.  I vacuumed the blue carpet and did some laundry before they woke up and were fed.  Good puppies!

They met the hose this am.  While we were outside, I sprayed some of the alfalfa pellets off of their linens that were headed to the washer and the puppies were quite interested in what I was doing.  It was sunny so I let them get in the spray while I did that and river rock areas although I made sure nobody got saoked.  They seemed to enjoy it but I’m not sure I can think of anything they don’t enjoy.

They met 4 new people this afternoon and i think everyone enjoyed it.  They’d been awake for quite a while before the visitors (Deja’s cousin Trilli’s people) arrived but made do with some power naps.  Eventually, all were awake so I had the men feed deliver the food.  Men are less frequent visitors so we like to take advantage when we can.  The puppies certainly did, too.

I know a lot more happened but at the moment I can’t recall much of it.  The MSU has another kidney stone so we’ve been a little disconcerted trying to get him to the tolerable stage of that.  It doesn’t appear he’ll go to the ER tonight with it but I don’t recall one this bad since the first one (and I don’t think it was this bad, we just didn’t know what it was).

The puppies had starter mousse for midnight snack dinner and I let them play with one of the empty containers for a while.  It’s as big a hit as the spoons I leave in after they eat but with a few piercings.  We’re all going to say Nighty, nighty, nighty for now.  Puppy breath to all

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