Monday, November 9, 2020

11/8/2020 Pupdate

It was a BIG day here today!  The pupsters aren’t sleeping as long during the day; they still nap hard and sometimes for extended periods but they are waking up and being active more frequently.  They were up to have breakfast at 6:30 this am and awake again by 9:30.  

They do not react the same to their Grandma Caly’s very loud barking to play with their sire as they do when the other bigs dogs actually sound the alarm.  I don’t know how they know the difference but they do.  

We spend over 5 hours outside in the nce weather today. Some of it was awake and some sleeping.  Some puppies were bound and determined to sleep under the grill instead of in the playhouse but eventually, I won and closed them inside (I had to get the doorstop to keep them from opening it though). While outside, they got to see an automobile, a tractor, and a side by side drive by the fence and then I sat in the playhouse with mostly sleeping puppies while the MSU mowed the dog yard.  They noticed but it didn’t worry them.

Aunt Cindi came to see them and took the 5 week old pictures after she got some cuddles.  She also stayed with them while we went to the building and brought the crates, ex pens and a couple of other activiy items.  They must’ve worn themselves out because they slept hard most of the evening

I hope to use part of tomorrow’s nice (for Nov, it is very nice) weather to perfect the deck areas.  That reminds me, I need to get something on the glass on the storm door so they don’t run into it.  I used to use a picture for the back of an aquarium but that one was falling apart.  Maybe I’ll do it with the Messmaker 2000.

Unfortunately, we had such a big day that I had to keep lettin gmy phone charge so I didn’t take full notes of what happened to tell y’all all about the day. ;-(. But I can assure you that they are QUITE adorable little pupsters and they had lots and lots of fun today.  Nighty, nighty, nighty and puppy breath to all!

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