It’s been a big day here but more for humans that pupsters. The pupsters had a routine morning outing. Most of them have decided that they can go in and out the dog door as they please so I’ve been blocking it off when we need to stay outside. When we are going back inside, I let them choose their route.
Aunt Grandma Cindi came this morning to watch the puppies while I went to a Dr’s appt. After she greeted the big dogs, the puppies said hello. They definitely know where the entrances are so I had to call them over to another one to let her get in and be able to put her feet down (she hasn’t mastered levitation either.)
When we left, she was still in the puppy pen and apparently the big dogs were looking for me. (Obviously, I haven’t been gone much in the last 7.5 weeks and they have expectations. She noticed them looking up. They look up at people and for things to get. I’m well aware that they do that becuase they are very good at getting things from on top of the crates ;-)
They were waking up from a good morning’s nap when I got home so we took them outside and Cindi went back to her regularly scheduled activities (my appt wasn’t scheduled until yesterday. She saved the puppies from having to ride along. Since I had to wait longer than I normally do, that was extra helpful.)
They had a ‘free lunch’ (in dishes instead of out of the toys and played some then we came inside and I took a big nap. They were awake for at least part of it but they had toys to amuse themselves. The big dogs napped with me ;-)
The weather was decent this am but it has rained a few times today so the pupsters have enjoyed playing in the muddy spots where the grass is always a little thin - especially in the fall/winter. I’m not as much a fan of them doing that so I try to distract them. Eventually, we come back inside to play in the pen where it’s not so messy.
Nighty nighty nighty - Puppy breath to all
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