Monday, November 30, 2020

11/30/20 Pupdate

Another good night in the crates. Even faster settling in after the 3 songs (it is 4 songs now but after 16 years, it’s the 3 songs to me).  When I was awake at almost 4,  before I went back to sleep I heard a puppy squeak once but it went right back to sleep.  I took Great GrammieSammie out BEFORE I barricaded the dog door, then I woke the puppies up and let them outside.  Once again - no accidents in the crates overnight.

It started raining right after I put the puppies to bed last night and was raining again (still?) when I let them out this am. They didn’t mind but it was too cold to let them stay outside very long after they were very wet.  

They ate lunch in individual bowls in separate crates so they could have their first heartworm pill (and only theirs. I didn’t want to risk somone getting mulitples and another not getting any - and that includes the big dogs who were VERY interested in the individual meatballs they got.  Then we went outside for a few minutes to potty and I brought them back inside because it is wet and cold.  So far, it hasn’t turned into snow but it they should get to see some of it tonight or tomorrow am.

Afternoon playtime was in the plan and it’s quite boisterous (not to mention loud!)  Apparently, these puppies also believe that the elevated bed is a great place to play.  Especially fun is playing bitey face with a puppy on top and another underneath.  Kind of like when one of them goes inside the crate and they trash talk each other through the ‘barrier’. This game immediately ceases when either moves to where there is no divider between them.  It’s really amusing and it must be a lot of fun since every litter of puppies does it.

The crinkly cat tunnel continues to be big fun and the big blue toddler wobbley thing is popular as well.  It sounds like an earthquake though, they rock it pretty hard!

It’s gotten colder and the rain turned to slushy stuff but not enough to truly call snow and therefore no reason to run the pupsters out to try to play.  We’ll go out for last call but we’ve spent the evening inside.

Tomorrow we ride ride ride all day to get their eyes checked and then back home.  I’m pretty sure it’ll be another day that is a lot more tiring for the humans than the pupsters but they each ahve 6 littermates to play with when we are too tired. .They are also always up for a cuddle so it’s always a nice day by the puppy pen - although it’s pretty sad when they start leaving so I won’t think about that.  Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all!

Sunday, November 29, 2020

11/29/20 Pupdate

The pupsters slept in crates in the pool room last night!  They each got a buddy (one crate had 3) and were side by side.  They fussed a few minutes after I sang the songs but I turned off the lights and waited and they snuggled in to sleep. I woke up at a little before 4am and before i got back to sleep I heard one of them make a little noise.  I was moving to go soothe them back to sleep but Deja immediately moved up to cuddle more and whoever it was stopped.  I can’t deicde if he knew they’d be ok or if he’s just unsympathetic to their plight ;-) He’s generally pretty concerned with them so I’m going to choose that he knew they were ok.

When I got up a little after 7am, it wasn’t really light outside but it was on the way and they weren’t fussing yet so I went outside (to barricade the dog door) and then into the door that I take them through to the crates.  I let them all out and they immediately ran outside and into the grass and peed.  I checked the crates and no accidents!  Good puppies.  Slightly less good, for the second time (this week) I blockaded the dog door before Great GrammieSammie went out to potty and she had to go before we switched.  Tomorrow, I’ll make sure she goes out with us before I block it off. 

I know I say everything they do is adorable (and I’m not wrong) but there aren’t many things cuter than a whole litter of puppies running out to potty in unison.  Also absolutely adorable -the whole litter running into the pen from outside.  They’ve gotten really good at it and they know the treat dispenser sound so they hurry and look at it waiting for it to spew forth the goods.  I’m always amazed at how fast they learn.  I guess I don’t learn as fast because they are REALLY smart, evne the old dogs.  (SDB is 13.5 and doesn’t have a lot of hearing left.  I’ve been using the treatntrain to remind Deja to stop alert barking after I give the cue.  He barked for something entirely different the other day and SDB immediately ran to get in on the treat dispensing she thought would be coming after he barked.  So much for “can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”  Unless they don’t think she qualifies as old.  I must qualify as old now because I can’t remember if I already posted that story and I’m too lazy to search back through to check)

It was freezing cold last night (literally).  They water in their outside dishes was frozen about an inch down.  I took it out and they thought that was one of the greatest things ever.  They had breakfast and potty time and then we came back inside because I’d had enough (I should’ve put on even more clothes than I did and they shouldn’t have put their excited little wet from playing with the ice feet all over me if they wanted to stay outside longer.)

They played with the ‘new’ toys in the pen and had a nap and we went back outside a little after 11 into what passes for sunshine this time of year in the holler.  It was warm enough that I didn’t need a coat so it was better than it’s going to be later this week.  Around noon thirty, their Aunt Stella’s family came to see them.  It was about lunch time so I gave them their food in dispensing toys.  They were torn between saying hi and getting back to the food melee.  Eventually, the food was gone so they concentrated their attention on the people (and their hair, shoe strings, clothes, fingers, etc.) and running out into the grass to potty.  

Then, since there was a good ratio of humans to puppies, we went outside the fence into the big yard.  The puppies REALLY enjoyed that.  They ran amok but stayed with us enough that the sighted people could keep up (I have to keep them closer or recall them a lot more to make sure). They explored the shrubs; the open grass; the tall grasses at the edge of the yard; the rocks out front; the leaves that have blown off of the trees (one puppy found a BIG one but siblings helped turn it into smaller pieces) and the ramp up onto the porch.  They are BIG fans of the ramps especially running up and down them at top speed.  They also found the areas underneath including the pots/planters I have there to shield the plant roots from the winter.  The endurance of the puppies has really increased in the last couple of weeks.

The leaf blower continues to be a BIG hit with the pupsters.  Other than that, we’ve had a rather subdued evening with a few trips out to potty.  We’re about to go out for last potty and then into the crates for nighty, nighty, nighty.  Fingers crossed for another good night.  Puppy breath to all!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

11/27-28 Pupdate 8 Weeks Old!

Friday was a busy busy day.  I can’t believe it was only yesterday, we did so much that it seems like several days.  I’m having a lot of trouble managing to blockade the dog door enough to keep the puppies from coming in and out as they please.  That made it tricky to get things ready and packed up to go to Cindi’s for their temperament evaluations but eventually, we managed.

We put the puppies in the crates in the van (Phoebe had to ride loose because they won’t fit into one crate - at least not easily) even though they weren’t sleepy so there was some fussing until partway to MIlton.  When we got to Cindi’s we unloaded all of the stuff and carried the crates with the puppies in them to the backyard so the MSU could come back home.

After we puppy proofed the deck access and part of the yard, we let them run amok a little (and potty). After we got everything set up in the building, we put the puppies back in the crates and got ourselves situated and did the temperament evaluations.

As usual, because we don’t do this as frequently, the first puppy took a lot longer, the second puppy a little longer and then we got into a routine.  It still took hours (there are 7 puppies and it’s not a short ‘test’).  The pupster got to meet 5 new adults and an infant!  Plus their great uncle Armada (he was the tolerant dog - he doesn’t especially enjoy puppies, but he LOVES Phoebe, so we paid him in ice cream - which he reports his mother made him share with his sister - and puppy mousse which he loves). 

Afterward, they got to play in the yard with their Mama and GrandMama and run amok more.  We took them back inside (we get cold) and let them play as a group - plus we gave them food in lots of puzzle toys to make them stop wanting humans to chew on constantly.  They did a little napping and playing and we ate pizza and talked more about the test.  They got to hear Peter mow with their lawn tractor, and see the garage door go up and down and up and down - he even drove it back inside to park.  They watched but didn’t do more.

The MSU came back to bring us home and they were quiet the whole way (they were really tired by then) and when we got home and unloaded, we were able to pronounce it free of carsickness BOTH ways.  

We unloaded the necessities (Phoebe and the puppies) and not much more.  I was exhausted.  The puppies ate dinner and caught their second wind after their nap at Cindi’s and on the way home so they played in the pen for a while.  Then we all went Nighty Nighty Nighty!

This morning, they were happy to get up and go out to potty and have a nice breakfast.  It was cold and I was tired so we came back inside for a nap but I couldn’t get back to sleep.  (Amongst other things, thinking about who should go where and all of the things I needed to do today - including writing this post). 

I can’t believe they are 8 weeks old now! They got to spend a lot of daylight time outside today(there’s not all that much daylight time this time of year).  The sun even shone part of the day.  Part of it their Mama stayed out to protect them from hawks and other BOP; part of the time their daddy and I did it.  (He’s not big on being outside without me.)  Some of the time I was inthe laundry room with the door open.  

Around 4:15, the aunt grandmas came for the conformation evaluations (and finally took pictures!  I think they should be on the facebook page soon if they aren’t already there)  and we did some more discussing about which puppy should go where.  (We’ve sorted out the girls; still fine debating a little on the boys)

Then the puppies had a nice dinner from feeder toys, a little playtime and are having a nice nap before it’s time to go Nighty, nighty, nighty.  I’m going to finish a little laundry and do a little cuddling before it’s time for us to go for the whole night.  Puppy breath to all!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

11/26/20 Pupdate

Happy Thanksgiving.  The pupsters have celebrated with lamb ear chewies.  I always find a litter of puppies with chewies amusing and they did not disappoint.  I alway give each puppy their own but, invariably, there are puppies who prefer to chew along with someone else; puppies who have to keep checking to make sure the one they have is as good as the one another puppy has; puppies who immediately take theirs off to chew privately; and puppies who want the others to admire theirs.  Fortunately, nobody fights over them.

We are working on using the remote treat dispenser but it’s a o little difficult for the big dogs to refrain from going in the pen with them when it dings and spews forth cookies.  That’s not a big problem unless SDB goes, too because she can’t hear me call her back out.  She can’t hear it ding but she knows the signs of it having gone off in Deja nd Phoebe.  

It’s finally a half decent day, not too frigid outside and not raining but it’s still plenty wet from the rain in the night.  Since they also like to wallow in the water dished and the bottom of the crate, wet grass and ground doesn’t seem to bother them.  But it gets me wet when I cuddle them (“it was worth it” as my sister would say)

I’ve been gathering the items needed for the temperament evaluations tomorrow.  Or trying to gather them.  The puppies and the big dogs inspect/grab/pounce/lie on pretty much everything I try to pick up.  They are becoming more and more like real PWDs every day ;-)

They demonstrated their climbing skills repeatedly today: they can get into the chairs on the deck now and they continued to demonstrate how they like to look out of the windows of the playhouse (for no reason other than they can - or they like to scare me half to death). Yet, somehow, they manage to be even more adorable than yesterday

Tomorrow is a big day (more so for us than them but they will be meeting more new people) so we’re going to say Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all!

11/25/20 Pupdate

It’s been a big day here but more for humans that pupsters.  The pupsters had a routine morning outing.  Most of them have decided that they can go in and out the dog door as they please so I’ve been blocking it off when we need to stay outside.  When we are going back inside, I let them choose their route.

Aunt Grandma Cindi came this morning to watch the puppies while I went to a Dr’s appt.  After she greeted the big dogs, the puppies said hello.  They definitely know where the entrances are so I had to call them over to another one to let her get in and be able to put her feet down (she hasn’t mastered levitation either.)

When we left, she was still in the puppy pen and apparently the big dogs were looking for me.  (Obviously, I haven’t been gone much in the last 7.5 weeks and they have expectations.  She noticed them looking up.  They look up at people and for things to get.  I’m well aware that they do that becuase they are very good at getting things from on top of the crates ;-)

They were waking up from a good morning’s nap when I got home so we took them outside and Cindi went back to her regularly scheduled activities (my appt wasn’t scheduled until yesterday.  She saved the puppies from having to ride along.  Since I had to wait longer than I normally do, that was extra helpful.)

They had a ‘free lunch’ (in dishes instead of out of the toys and played some then we came inside and I took a big nap.  They were awake for at least part of it but they had toys to amuse themselves.  The big dogs napped with me ;-)

The weather was decent this am but it has rained a few times today so the pupsters have enjoyed playing in the muddy spots where the grass is always a little thin - especially in the fall/winter.  I’m not as much a fan of them doing that so I try to distract them.  Eventually, we come back inside to play in the pen where it’s not so messy.  

Nighty nighty nighty - Puppy breath to all

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

11/24/20 Pupdate

It was another cold morning here today. There was ice in the containers outside and the weather on iffen said snow flurries.  We didn’t notice any but it was certainly cold enough.  The puppies were perfectly happy to play in the cold but I evenutally brought them back inside because I was cold.

The dog door performances yesterday were not a fluke.  Several of them definitely know what they are doing (and I come in to check on them and they are just rolling around on the floor with their Mama). I eventually blocked off the dog door and they told me they were NOT happy with that turn of events

AuntGrandma Cindi came today.  She got to feed them lunch (well hand out the food puzzle toys) and watch them work out how to eat.  We were both a little chilly out there but the puppies were not.  They further demonstrated that by getting in and out of the water in the crate and castle sandbox.  

We took them for a little walk out in the ‘big yard’.  They were really cute exploring.  They got a little further afield than I’d have preferred on my own but they were very good to come back when summoned.  They say I just can’t be pleased because when they were staying right under my feet, I wanted them to move a little further ahead or behind or beside.  In my defense, I haven’t managed levitation just yet.  We thought that might help tire them out so we could come inside but they seemed to find it exhilarating.  One of them kept going back to the gate requesting (demanding) that we go again.  

Eventually, we gave up on them getting tired and just brought them inside anyway.  A couple of them went to sleep after a few minutes but some continued to play for a while. We dremeled their nails while they were relaxed although nobody slept through it.  They were good for it but awake.  They grow nails like it’s their job.  I need to start using the cat clippers on them when we don’t dremel them.  Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all

Monday, November 23, 2020

11/23/20 Pupdate

I snuck inside to go to the bathroom and take my meds this am then brought the babies outside.   I FINALLY had the good sense to fix their breakfast last night so they had a picnic before they had to explain to me how they’ve been starving.  While we were outside playing and running amok, I noticed someone missing during yet another round of duck,duck, goose.  So I went searching for a puppy.  I was pretty sure nobody could get out of the fence after all of the reinforcing yesterday and Phoebe gave one woof from inside so I checked.  She was playing with one of the pupsters,

I brought said puppy back outside.  Moments later, I heard the dog door and Deja was the only big dog outside and he hadn’t left me.  Neither Phoebe nor SDB appeared so I checked and little miss had gone inside again.  I brought her outside.  She played a moment or two and went back inside with the big girls.  This time, I tried calling and she came back.  So the morning outing consisted of her going in and out as she pleased.  When we went back outside after their morning nap, she still remembered so that has been our day.

They are also suddenly better at climbing.  3 of them are ‘this close’ to getting onto the chairs on the deck. One was on top of the play picnic table (it is now upside down in the rocks so they can play safely with it).  I had to move the milk crate away from the edge of the pen because a puppy was on it and eyeballing the fence.  Another was on the yellow stool I keep in the pen in case I don’t want to sit on the floor.  So it gets turned upside down when I’m not right there.

For lunch, I put puppy kibble in 6 different food dispensing toys (simple ones that just drop kibble out as it is moved) and let them share it on the deck.  They were adorable knocking them around and eating the spoils.  They played with the empty toys, too. I had to go searching through the yard to wash and refill them for dinner (but dinner was inside).

I discovered today that if I take away the elevated bed outside of the play house, the puppies will sleep on the one I’ve made cozy with a fleece pad and a bed in the play house.  I can’t close them in but since they will attempt to go out the windows anyway, that’s neither here nor there.  (Wonder how many people have renovated plastic children’s playhouses with bars on the windows) 

They met another new person today.  This time a teenage boy.  They seemed to like each other pretty well.  When it was time for them to leave, he had 3 puppies curled up sleeping in his lap.  Very similar to how I spend a lot of my time these days.  New total: 34!  Nighty nighty nighty, puppy breath to all!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

11/22/20 Pupdate

Another rainy day here.  Good thing we have 7 little rays of sunshine to liven things up.  I was up several times in the night/early hours and the puppies didn’t fuss in the contained area (2 crates and the potty area).  I gave them access to the whole puppy pen before one of my trips up to the bathtub though.

I came back down not too long after daylight and took them outside.  I decided to finally bite the bullet and clip off the wire ties and make the gate open out.  It’s a whole lot less risk of pinching anybody’s toes this way.  I accidentally wire tied the first piece in ‘backwards” when I installed it and I tried to get away without redoing it.  It was just not going well so while AuntGrandma LeAnne was here, I fixed it.

The puppies played (and ate and napped and wrestled) outside a lot today.  I was sunny this am and reasonably temperate (I wore shorts) but then it got windier, colder and commenced to rain.  They remained unfaze by any of the changes.

We could hear people sighting in their deer rifles.  It wasn’t close but those things are loud.  The big dogs alerted at the first couple but did continue after I gave them the cue; the puppies went on about their puppy business without acknowledging that anything was happening.

Today, their puppy business consisted of (the same thing we do every night Pinky try to take over the world) taking the empty bottles out of the castle sandbox; find toys that have are soaking wet with rain and play with them; get me wet so that I change clothes repeatedly (until I finally got smart enough to put on neoprene pants and old scrubs over them to protect the neoprene from the puppies playing tug with my clothes); help me find poop; attacking unsuspecting (or fully aware, it doesn’t matter to them) siblings; being adorable; dismantling the activity box; playing with the big dogs; pulling up “loose” clumps of grass because the ground is very wet/muddy; generally just being as adorabale as the can be.  They stop to greet people whenever anyone comes within their notice and they usually remember good manners.  Good manners are a little harder to obtain if the human has one of their food dishes.  Individually, they are much better.  As a group, it’s harder for them to control their impulse - peer pressure I guess ;-)

Multiple times today, there was a puppy outside the fence; by the gate; asking to come back inside.  The first time, everyone else had noticed so I couldn’t opent he gate to let it inside without having a whole stampede.  Fortunately, the MSU was up at the buidling so he came down and handed it over.  LeAnne and I searched and searched and put more wire ties on the ex pen at various areas of the fence only to have the puppy outside again.  Finally, we noticed not long after the puppy had escaped and realized that it was squeezing through the space between the gate and the wall (where I’ve put a pool noodle in prior litters to stops such shenangians) but the puppy would immediately run all of the way around the outside of the fence to be let inside at the gate by the deck.  Smart bad puppy!  I put a couple of pieces of PVC there and that seems to have stopped that.

Aunt Grandma LeAnne took the old puppies (the parents, the GrandMater Gator and Great GrammieSammie) for a jaunt/romp since rifle season opens tomorrow and we will not be in the woods just in case.  We gave up on trying to do anything but keep that puppy from escaping before the romp because the big dogs KNEW and they were excited.  The puppies don’t seem concerned about the big dogs running in and out excitedly, one of the puppies was even trying to play with Caly in her almost frenzy.  I finally took the new puppies out into the yard and held a section of ex pen so they weren’t on the deck underfoot.  I also didn’t want any of them to go out the gate with the big ones.  All of them come when we call now but ALL of them come when we call so that’s a little bit of pandemonium at gates and doorways.

While I was bathing the big dogs, the puppies were sleeping so AUnt Grandma LeAnne was reviewing a video of her calling the big dogs.  The puppies do not care if it’s live or Memorex, they woke up and ran to her.  That’ll teach her to play such things with sound (Deja still comes whenever we call the puppies or if I play a video of us calling puppies, Phoebe has wised up; SDB can’t hear it anymore)

It was raining pretty steadily after it started this afternoon so the puppies have had plenty of opportunity to get wet (or hang out in a dry area which was not the choice they made).  Around 4:15, they were piled up on the elevated bed out in the rain - as opposed to the one that is mostly in the playhouse, (I’ve bought 3 smaller and smaller sizes with these puppies and can’t manage to get it to fit even though it technically should. This one might with more work but it’s a little harder with the assistance of 7 little PWDs)- so I brought them into the house.  It went much better with the gate opening out but we still have a puppy or two distracted by the big dogs milling around.  I need to get the big dogs stationed before I bring the pupsters inside but, as mentioned before, Deja still likes to come whenever we call ‘pup, pup, pup” (it’s convenient for calling the group) so I may just bring him in and open the taller gate for him to exit.  

So far today, I’ve managed to keep good enough track/suck up being in the cold and wet so that all of the puppy poos have been outside.  The puppies are happier that way, too.  They’ve had a few hours of opera thanks to echo thing this evening so I think I’m going to nap until time for the midnight snack/lockdown.  They are and, although I have plenty of things I could do, I’m tired from not resting much the last couple of nights (stupid weather).  Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

11/21/20 7 Weeks OLD!

 11/21/20 7 Weeks OLD!

How in this world are these puppies already 7 weeks old?!

We got up early today.  My sinuses were bothering me, so much for the pretty weather - grey and rainy today.  But the pupsters didn’t mind.  I was up before daylight today and finally just took the puppies outside too.  They don’t seem to care at all if it is dark when we are out.  

The pupsters continue to not care if it’s cool or rainy, I continue to be less enamored of it but they generally win out.  They had visitors this afternoon - bringing their unduplicated census of new people after week 4 to 33.  After they got over their disappointment over being brought inside, they were happy to interact with their company (mostly with their teeth) but they also did a fair amount of cuddling.

The big dogs are happy when we have company because after they are greeted, I usually keep some distance from the puppies (so they don’t just focus on me) and they get extra cuddles from the Mama.  If I do much, the puppies will get distracted.

I’m a bad blogger today.  I can’t think of much else to write - maybe I’ll do better after a nap.  Or tomorrow. Puppy breath to all

11/20/20 Pupdate

Hmmm, what did we do today:  We went outside and had anice breakfast after pottying then that mean Humama made us come back inside for a while.  We don’t know why she doesn’t have a nice hairy coat like we do, we’re comfortable outside.  But she did open the door beside our inside elevated bed so we could nap in the fresh air. We played and napped and cuddled and were generally adorable.

Eventually, she took us outside again and we got to run amok.  We found leaves to atttack and siblings and toys to bite.  We have one of our Daddy’s Daddy’s tennis ball on a rope toys and we like to play tug with that in groups of 2-3-4. The Mama and the Daddy BOTH played with us some (and each other, it was a big family game but it made the Humama a little nervous.  They were very careful though and we really enjoyed that.)

Around noon-thirty, our AuntieGrandmas showed up with the GrandMater Gator.  She played with us a little and with our daddy.  She’s as loud as we are when she’s playing but her Humama says she doesn’t bark at home.  She says the rules are different here.  If it weren’t all about the dogs, why would we have a rubber floor?). The Aunt Grandmas tried to give us our lunch but they were a little worried that we didn’t get enough because we can eat our raw food REALLY fast.  AuntMama knows better than to feed us until we’d stop because we’d get sick.  We’re healthy and growing so it was all good.

Then they did some more “grooming” on us.  They made the hair on our back ends shorter again - something they kept talking about lions.  They call us puppies, lions, baby dogs, sharks and all kinds of things - as long as they don’t call us late for dinner, we don’t care.  They also did our Mama’s muzzle and the toenails on all of the big dogs.

We ran amok and had a nice nap again and then we had to go inside for the evening.  But at bedtime, the Humama took us outside for potty time again.  We like pottying outside even if it’s dark.  Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all!

Thursday, November 19, 2020

11/19/20 Pupdate

Pupsters were good babies again last night.  We went outside to potty first thing this am and then had breakfast in the castle sandbox.  Poor little FauxReal was pooping way far away in the rock at the back gate.  She made it back well before everything was gone (I’d have given her some more if it was all gone)

I brought them back inside while I ran the vacuum and steamed the floor.  No point in letting them miss a day of vacuuming. The steam mop isn’t loud but it does make some noise as does the sprayer with the cleaner.

We went back outside when they woke and they played and played and ran amok.  Then they finally started settling in for naps.  I was going to put them in the playhouse but I couldn’t find the doorstop (clear is not the best choice for someone with no real usable vision).  While I was searching for it, a couple of the puppies were unwilling to settle down.  Then I noticed feet in the window of the playhouse.  Upon further checking, there was a puppy standing on the table with his front feet on the window hole.  I reached in and put him down on the floor (it’s finally a good thing I have monkey arms) then I opened the door and gave up on getting things from inside the house ready before the vet came.

The pupsters met 2 new people today and were introduced to squirty cheese.  They’ve had string cheese but I just took it for granted that they’d like squirty cheese (I was right).  They showed off their ability to sit so that people can pet them, too.  I don’t do the whole “manding by sitting” because I don’t want sit as a defualt behavior but I do reward them more when they aren’t leaping onto me

They were also introduced to getting stuck with needles but nobody seemed to notice that.  One puppy fussed a little at the microchip but didn’t stop eating .  For the first time in all of our microchip insertions, we had one misfire and the poor baby had to get another sitck.  It didn’t bother her and she just got a little more squirty cheese. (It’s slightly annoying becuase I buy the prepaid microchips but it’s not like I do any of this in a frugal manner)

They ran around a little in the pretty weather (not summer pretty but there was some sunshine and it wasn’t freezing cold wind) and when they started to go to sleep, I brought them inside.  I find it amusing that they all choose to sleep on/under the elevated bed if the screen door is open.  If it is closed, they sleep across the pen in the crate.  Funny puppies.  I also find it REALLY adorable that they wake up and hurry across the pen to pee in the potty area and then go back pile back up with the other pupsters.  They are SO cute.

At 10 pm, they woke up and were insistent on going outside.  So we had our first trip out in the dark.  I suspect it will continue now as several of them are developing a definite preference for going outside to poop.  Good puppies.  We’re going to cuddle up and call it a night.  Nighty, nighty, nighty Puppy breath to all!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

11/18/20 Pupdate

The pupsters let me sleep until almost 8 am!  (And they didn’t get me up then but they certainly wanted attention when they knew I was awake). I think they woke up and said hi to the MSU when he came home from workn but it was pretty late so I’m not sure.  They went right back to sleep, too.  Such good puppies!  

It was 23 degrees outside this am but they insisted it was just fine.  I did NOT concur so I didn’t let them nap outside.  They were mostly cooperative about coming back inside but they made it clear they wanted to go back outside later.  

It was nicer this afternoon so we stayed outside longer.  I introduced them to my leaf blower and they thought it was great (and they were really excited that it made the leaves move, too) I wasn’t quite brave enough to open the gate to blow the leaves out with all of the puppies and dogs with me.  I can go in and out with the big dogs staying but the puppies do not make any such promises.  They like to be right where I need to put my feet (I really need to master hovering in mid air)

I held a weight watcher’s meeting in preparation for the vet’s visit tomorrow so she can bring their first heartworm pill,too.  (They won’t get it yet but they will have it before she comes again.) It is NOT my imagination, they have definitely grown!  We have more pounds of puppies than their mama weighs.  (I should weigh Deja to see when they pass him - it’s close if they haven’t already)

We also learned to eat bites of string cheese from my hand so we can be rewarded with more than just kisses and cuddles (which are high value right now but take longer to administer than a treat).  Have I mentioned how adorable they are?  I don’t know how they get cuter and cuter but they do!  Nighty, nighty, nighty Puppy breath to all y’all

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

11/17/20 Pupdate

Yay!  The mama didn’t wake us up at 5am.  Actually, I didn’t get up until after 7 and one puppy had come out of the crate, pottied and was quietly playing with a toy.  When Deja slid out of bed (that seems to be his preferred method, he didn’t fall out), they noticed and  started watching me.  They were NOT quiet when they could tell I was getting up.  I greeted everyone which helped for a moment but not long enough.  

I sprinkled in some kibble bites (right now, I’m the treat dispenser) but that didn’t distract them long (they only ate part of it) so I grabbed my coat (I need to keep long pants in/by the ottobenbed until I start sleeping upstairs), their food and we headed outside.  6 out of 7 were at the crate door, 1 was at the potty fence gate that opened once before.  A few of them squirreled (I don’t know what caught their attention but they came running when I called again) and we made it outside without any pottying on the floor.  I hope I’m not jinxing that because we’ve gone so far without any pit stops on the way through the room.  We did have some potties in the alfalfa pellet area last night - good puppies.

It was in the low 40s and windy outside and they were perfectly happy to eat, run amok, and play.  I left the door open (a little wasteful but the radiant heat in the floor means it didn’t make the room freezing) so I could monitor them while I grabbed the poop from the pans then I was using that already dirty glove to  clean up the yard.  We had 7 puppy poops in the grass or river rock area, again Good puppies!  Some of them, being good little Portuguese Water Dogs ‘helped’; generally by sinking their needle teeth into my nice thick buffalo wool socks and being dragged around until I could get the gloves off to extricate them.  (Another reminder about the long pants). The mama opened the bar while I was doing that and 4 of them chose to follow me rather than have a little more breakfast.  I was rather surprised by that turn of events.

They paid no attention to me putting my hood up and when a gust of wind blew the cleaning bucket that I put on the railing to dry over, they ran to see what new toy has fallen from the sky. I was getting chilly and hadn’t taken my medication so I brought them back inside after about half an hour.  They are pretty good at following me but only 5 could get into the crate (because I sprinkled some bites through it and they stoppped to eat those bites instead of going on through to the pen, I can’t blame them) so I had to lift the other 2 over the gate.  

Apparently, I need to rearrange ONE more time.  I’m going to shrink the pen potty area a little and switch the crate with the low gate ex pen so we have 2 ways in - one of which they can follow me.  I generally have a good memory but I change things so many times with puppies (and we have more new ex pen again this time, thanks Aunt/Grandma CIndi!) I didn’t get that part right.  I think I’m going to add the other 3 door crate, too so we are ready to contain with access to the potty pen at night.  I may just use Deja’s huge one because the doors are removable (so I don’t have to secure them during the day while the puppies are free to move through it) but the big door is hard to put on so I may use the 36 inch with the end doors that swing in or out.  I wish they still made those crates but I’m glad I bought several while they did.

They are playing fairly nicely while we listen to train sounds on the Echo dot.  It might even be worth buying one that has a battery (this one was free with something we bought a couple of years ago and I just now took it out of the box) so it’s easier to move around (the noises need to come from different places for them to learn to tune them out). I’ll still use the CDs with the noises but this has a LOT of choices I can choose when I want.  Apparently, I’ve been living under a rock. And to think I only got it out because it makes a dancing bear go (I haven’t set that up yet.  We’ve had a lot of other choices of moving/soind making toys). 

Aunt Grandma Cindi came while we were outside so I left her in charge of keeping BOP from getting the pupsters while I changed out their linens and then carried stuff to her vehicle.  The puppies were still playing when we loaded them in to the crates in the van (their mama had to ride loose because we couldn’t fit all 7 into the same crate now)and headed on their first tour.  We went to Cindi’s mom’s house where the babies met 6 new people and had a little lunch and then on to Cindi’s house where they met 8 more.  They were happy see everyone adn were pretty good riders although it took a few minutes for all of them to settle down on the first leg of the sojourn.  They were very good for the other legs although there is evidence that one of them probably hurled once but we didn’t hear it.  If they did, someone ate the evidence except for a wet spot on the pad in the crate.

Once home, Cindi guarded them while I brought in the paraphernalia and then we brought them into the house because we were tired of being cold.  The puppies fussed a moment or two about being made to come inside but they adjusted pretty well.  We took a few minutes to dremel their nails and they were all very good for it.  Cindi even got sucked in to sitting around holding sleeping puppy

We’ve had a quiet evening thus far, I planned to nap right after feeding them dinner but I’ve been recording the day’s events instead.  (And cuddling puppies and big dogs).  We’re going to settle in and say nighty, nightym nighty.  Puppy breath to all

Monday, November 16, 2020

11/16/20 Pupdate

We had a pretty good night in the puppy pen but not as great a morning.  For some reason, Phoebe was lying right outside the pen at 5 am so they were screaming up a storm.  I’m pretty sure she had fed them (she didn’t want to nurse them more) and I have no idea why she stayed right there but after I had her move and sang the 3 songs again, they quieted back down and we all went back to sleep until after daylight.  I hope she doesn’t do that again tonight.

The puppies slept in the open crate again last night - even went back in after the debacle with their mother.  Good puppies, we’re close to ready to sleeping in the crate with the door closed.

I don’t know how they’ve done it but they are even more adorable than yesterday.  The whole group of them piled together in the crate or on the new elevated bed (that just barely doesn’t fit in the playhouse, grrr) or in the playhouse is incredibly endearing.  It’s hard not to cuddle in with them (well, not the crate because it isn’t large enough for all 7 of them and me).  Deja usually joins us but that’s more about cuddling with me than them.

Deja and Phoebe are playing with them more and more.  Today, he managed to play with all of them for quiet a while outside but he knows when to jump up onto a perch (or my lap).  They are figuring out how to climb up onto things, too though so he has to get onto something they can’t climb.  Phoebe just hops over a gate to be out of their reach.  Great Grammie Sammie gives them ‘the look’  and they generally leave her alone but I call them away when they are too interested in her and the poor old girly can’t potty in peace.  Fortunately, she can also still escape through the dog door.

Interestingly (at least to me), while they sound horribly vicious at times when they are playing with one another, they never make those sounds playing with their parents.  They’ll bark and I’ve heard more than one do the hound dog woo woo woo that their Grand Mater Gator does sometimes.  As you might’ve guessed, it’s really cute

When we went outside today, there were hawks flying around screaming. All 3 big dogs were out, too but I still went all around waving my arms and screaming back at the them to go away.  Eventually, I didn’t hear them any more but I don’t trust that they aren’t either being quiet or just perching to watch.  So unless the babies are sleeping in the playhouse with the door blocked closed, I go out with them.

I left the rainwater in the bottom of the varikennel crate and they’ve played in and out of it over and over.  If it doesn’t get too much colder, I’ll put some water in one of the pools they were in as tiny babies (just a few weeks ago but it seems like a long time).  They run around carrying things that seem surprisingly large to me (they are large compared to the puppies) but they have no problems with it - unless they are tackled by another puppy.

I re-rearranged their pen a little while they were safely enscconced in the playhouse for naptime.  Since they are starting to eat dry kibble peices a little better, I should be able to use the Treat N Train to encourage them to move more quickly into the pen from outisde.  That’s always an exciting time.  

Since they’re eating some dry food now too, after their milky dessert I’ve been leaving water out for them.  I can hear them every now and then getting a drink.  It’s a lot different than when they all push in together at mealtimes as if I’ve been starving them since birth (obviously not by the size of the piles of poop - all in the right area since one pottied on the deck Saturday)

They’ve been sleeping pretty hard all evening, they played a little after dinner and I’m sure they’ll have another rousing session after midnight snack but it’s usually pretty short.  If anyone is still at it when I sing the 3 songs and turn off the lights, that stops it.  Such good puppies to go Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all y’all

Sunday, November 15, 2020

11/15/20 Pupdate

Things I forgot yesterday:  One of the puppies took Aunt/Grandma Cindi’s keys out of her pocket and carried them out into the yard from the deck. Her keyring is quite large with a big heavy whistle on it.  They also managed to get some of the plastic chains from the activity cube

We don’t put puppies down when they are struggling/flailing.  We aren’t at all mean about it, we just help them soothe and then put them down to go chase whatever leaf/sibling/person/thought caught their fancy - it’s not a contest of wills; it’s just not safe for a puppy to go flying out of someones arms so we help them learn to ask calmly.  Someone was holding one of the puppies on the other side of the deck and it started to fly out so she had to calm it before putting it down.  It took a second to settle (they are used to how I do it but not everyone feels the same) and as soon as she put the puppy down, it ran over to me as if to tattle - “Do you know what she did to me?”  Great GrammieSammie used to tattle on Cindi when she wouldn’t let her have her way so it’s funny for us to see the puppies doing that already.

I’m trying to be a better chronicler today so I’m typing this as I sit in the open door to the deck (behind the Mickey Mouse fence).  It’s raining and the puppies are in the playhouse napping.  They were all in there napping when the rain began but 5 of them are apparently like their sire and had to go outside to investigate the rain.  It’s been a fair amount of rain so I keep putting on my jacket and hood and creeping out the pool room door to check on them.  The big dogs are annoyed because usually going out that door means something exciting (food or going to romp) and all I do is go into the dog yard and sneak over to check on the playhouse.

They were good puppies in the night again.  Apparently, Phoebe went in to check on them at some time because there was a toy she had last night in with them this morning.  At this point, I am very much just sleeping down her for me, not them.  If I try to sleep upstairs in my bed, I am awake to much wondering.  I could either wake up the MSU to make him look at them on the camera or I could come downstairs, check and then go back up to bed.  This way, I get more sleep.  They were all in the crate when I got up.

As I was saying good morning to them by the potty area, the gate to the short ex pen opened.  I guess I didn’t get it fastened well enough (at all?) yesterday when I cleaned their area/plucked out the poop.  At any rate, 2 puppies came out to greet me and 2 more were heading through so I couldn’t staunch the flow.  It was easier just to take them outside so I did.  And I’m glad I did because it was remarkably nice outside.  Windy but that just makes more leaves blow in for them.  Leaves are BIG fun to the pupsters so they don’t consider that a bad thing at all.  It did make it harder for me to get dressed, etc. because I won’t leave them outside unattended.  (We have some large birds of prey and I don’t want them trying to get one of my puppies). I’m wearing ‘emergency drawer’ clothes. (I keep some clothes in the utility room in case I get too wet giving showers, etc.  I can’t stand wearing wet clothes; makes one wonder how I ended up with Water Dogs, doesn’t it). I’ve combed (not styled but combed) my hair and brushed my teeth so I may not look good/oresentable but I am decent.  My priorities have changed significantly since I got dogs ;-)

The pupsters were still outside when the visitors came today (same people so no new additions to the count) but they woke up by the time they got inside; washed up; shoes changed; etc, they were awake and starting to wander out of the playhouse.  So I walked out into the yard to give them a chance to pee (the puppies not the visitors) before we went back inside the house.  Since everybody had really wet feet by then, we carried them inside instead of calling them across the floor.  It’s harder to work out calling them inside with multilple people because the ones that are already to the pen will turn around and run back to the other person calling them like in the come game.  They’ll learn but better not to learn on mostly clean floors with wet little feet ;-)

The babies had a good visit with the people.  They played and napped cuddled and ate and played and and cuddled and napped some more.  Too bad they don’t like people ;-). Eventually, the puppies were drifting off to sleep and the visitors had to start their drive home.

Since I stay out of the puppy pen (mostly) when they have visitors so I make sure the puppies don’t focus on me instead of the other people, I needed to make up for lost time.  I cuddled some while they slept and played some and I was mobbed by all 7 puppies at once, too ;-).   It hasn’t been very nice weather this afternoon - REALLY big wind blowing the mickey mouse fence around - so we’ve stayed inside. The puppies have been sleeping most of the time and playing lower key with each other and the new toys in the pen.

I’m about to have to start closing the gate to the tall section of ex pen as at least one puppy is extremely close to climbing out.  Hopefully, Phoebe will wait for me to open it when she wants to go in but she may just go over the lower part.  Phoebe likes to sail over things (she repeatedly leaps over the puppy gate from the dog door to the deck instead of just going around through the yard so we’ll see.

I’m getting very sleepy so I’m going to get the dogs ready for nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all!

11/14/2020 6 weeks old!

How is that even possible that the babies are 6 weeks old?!  This morning, I got up at 6 (it is NOT daylight at 6am here now) to turn off the alarm (for the MSU coming home from work) but I did not engage the puppies.  I think one might’ve eyeballed me but didn’t make any noise as I went in the other room.  I vacuumed the blue carpet and did some laundry before they woke up and were fed.  Good puppies!

They met the hose this am.  While we were outside, I sprayed some of the alfalfa pellets off of their linens that were headed to the washer and the puppies were quite interested in what I was doing.  It was sunny so I let them get in the spray while I did that and river rock areas although I made sure nobody got saoked.  They seemed to enjoy it but I’m not sure I can think of anything they don’t enjoy.

They met 4 new people this afternoon and i think everyone enjoyed it.  They’d been awake for quite a while before the visitors (Deja’s cousin Trilli’s people) arrived but made do with some power naps.  Eventually, all were awake so I had the men feed deliver the food.  Men are less frequent visitors so we like to take advantage when we can.  The puppies certainly did, too.

I know a lot more happened but at the moment I can’t recall much of it.  The MSU has another kidney stone so we’ve been a little disconcerted trying to get him to the tolerable stage of that.  It doesn’t appear he’ll go to the ER tonight with it but I don’t recall one this bad since the first one (and I don’t think it was this bad, we just didn’t know what it was).

The puppies had starter mousse for midnight snack dinner and I let them play with one of the empty containers for a while.  It’s as big a hit as the spoons I leave in after they eat but with a few piercings.  We’re all going to say Nighty, nighty, nighty for now.  Puppy breath to all

Friday, November 13, 2020

11/13/20 Pupdate

This morning the pupsters did not wake me up.  I woke up a few minutes after 7 and they were still asleep.  They actually didn’t get up until almost 7:30.  Yesterday, while the Aunt Grandmas had the puppies on the deck, I cleaned their pen and added on to it.  One of the additions is an elevated bed and another is a crate (with the door removed so nobody can get pinched with it).  Both were big hits with the pupsters.  I was trying to figure out who was in the crate without waking them and I thought there were 2 in the milk crate, 1 by the stool and 4 in the crate.  When they woke up and headed over to the potty area, I realized there were 5 in the crate and the ‘one’ by the stool was the spider toy from Halloween.  Good puppies!

I promptly fed them breakfast which they seemed to enjoy followed by a little goat milk and rice cereal then a little water to rinse the dish.  They were quite active with a lot of VERY loud interaction including some requests for human attention.  They were playing and going over to potty and playing but little FOMO was not happy. He was on the elevated bed and pulling on the ex pen at that door and howling.  I was starting to think he didn’t feel well when he apparently gave up on the stupid humama to understand and went over to the potty area to poop.  I think he wanted to go outside.  The other poops today have happened outside - and the ones outside were either in the grass or the rock areas - not even on the deck!  They aren’t as good with pee (puppies never are) but they do try.  Inside they’ve made it at least to the edge of the potty area all day but it’s a long way off of the deck.

I think I may as well give up on keeping them off the ramp.  I’m just hoping they don’t go through the dog door for a while yet,  I’ve caught more than one with their feet up on the threshhold of it trying to figure out where their Elders have gone (and how to get there.)

Midmorning, after their mama gave them a little snack and a little big of playtime; she hopped out to let them play amongst themselves and had some playtime with Deja.  While they were doing some light wrestling and on their backs gatoring bitey mouth, the puppies stopped what they were doing and watched.  They proceeeded to pitch a fit at being excluded.  I guess they already want to do what the big dogs do.

Eventually, most of them just watched quietly and then went back to playing together but it was quite a disappointment to them.  Phoebe and Deja paid no attention to them whatsoever though.

That was interesting because that puppy did not settle down and sleep when the others did.  I tried taking him outside, I carried him around, he just wasn’t ready to go to sleep.  I was hoping for a nap so I tried snuggling him on the ottobenbed and I was trying to loosen his collar.  He was mostly staying with me but gently moving around and walked onto a section of the blanket that was bridging the gap between the ottobenbed and the couch so he gently slid down between the 2 (I could tell it was getting close so I made sure I had the blanket enough that he wouldn’t actually fall). He wasn’t scared or distressed or vocal but apparently, Phoebe was paying attention, too because she immediately came up on the ottobenbed to check where he went and supervise his ‘rescue’. She gave his face a little licking and went back to her napping on the couch across the room.  They never cease to amaze me.

We had a couple of trips outside in the warmth but I didn’t want to stay out all afternoon so I brought them in after lunch and recess when they were starting to go back to sleep.  Most of them went into the crate to sleep, either in spite or because of the door behind it being open.   I don’t think it made that much difference because they are sleeping in it again this evening with the closed door.

They had visitors this evening but it’s people they’ve already met so we don’t get to up their numbers until tomorrow.  The puppies have grown a lot in the not quite 2 weeks since they last saw them (other than pictures/video) and they’ve all gotten a lot of teeth they are trying to use on everything.  I think the pupsters still met with their approval though.

I’m afraid the play gym is not going to be useful much longer.  I had to put it back together on 3 separate occasions today.  They are very good at playing tug with the items on it - sometimes with each other on them as well.  They are getting to be quite strong little pupsters.  Fortunately, we have other items for environmental enrichment when the gym is dismantled. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.  For now we’re going to say nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all!

Thursday, November 12, 2020

11/12/20 Pupdate Guest Post

 Fun Times in Pupville! by Aunt Grandma LeAnne

I arrived about 8 am to puppysit while Cristi went to an appointment.  As soon as I entered the room the clamoring began.  Apparently all who enter must IMMEDIATELY greet the pupsters (do not pass Go, do not collect $200!) Of course I obliged by climbing right into their enclosure with them.  It felt a little like getting into a shark tank - lots of swarming and teeth everywhere.  These are some very people focused puppies.  Their enclosure is full of interesting things to play with but they all wanted on me and they want lots of eye contact.  After lots of wrestling each other all over me, they moved on to playing with the toys.  They have sooo much energy.  One clever pup even dragged a toy into their little tunnel!  After about 45 minutes of non stop play they began to drift into piles for a nap.  Whew! I needed one too. All the pups napped in piles except for the above mentioned tunnel pup - that one slept right where she was in the tunnel with her prize.

Cristi came home and Aunt Grandma Cindi arrived with our people lunch.  After that I took the big dogs for a walk in the woods.  They topped off their romp with a quick dip in the pond.  Too cold for me but not for water dogs!  While Cristi bathed the big dogs, the two AGs (Aunt Grandmas) played with the puppies.  At one point AG Cindi brought a puppy out of the enclosure to play with us while the others all slept.  She explored the room quite confidently.  We then played the Come Game with her and she was quite good at it (calling and clapping "pup pup pup" so they run back and forth between us).  It was quite adorable.  All the noise woke the other puppies who also demanded turns.  We put the first puppy back and she was quite incensed and tried to climb out.  She wanted ALL the turns.  Nevertheless, we played the game with all the other pups and they all did great!

After that it was time for their outdoor time.  We AGs and 7 pups went outside while the big dogs enjoyed chicken time and supervising the Aunt Mamma in the cleaning and rearranging of the enclosure.  The pups had their lunch on the deck then ran all around the yard playing.  They acted like they were real dogs or something.  Up the ramp, down the ramp.  Round and round in the grass.  Attacking leaves.  All of the really cute things puppies do.  So much activity wore them out so 5 of them congregated in the playhouse to nap.  The other two?  Well the AGs had to hold them ðŸ˜œ  Eventually their space was ready for them and we took them all in.  By then the AGs were cold so they were convinced the puppies were cold too! They of course insisted they were not. After a busy and fun time, the AGs were tired and went home.  To nap of course!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

11/11/20 Pupdate

It’s been an ugly rainy day here today so the pupsters didn’t get to go outside.  I think they missed it too judging by the wilding this evening.  If puppies could do zoomies, they would have!

Botox is tomorrow which, coupled with the rain means I didn’t have a great day.  I napped beside the puppies after their breakfast and they were mostly quiet enough to let me. Eventually, there were things I needed to do so I did them.  Between the rain making mud and Phoebe dripping milk, the rubber room needs cleaned each day and there are puppy linens, too.  Add to that some of the blankets I still needed to do from the swim yesterday.

Of course, the puppies also need attention so there was some cuddling and playing and carrying and and ;-). I don’t think it will be long before I have to keep the gates of the pen closed.  They definitely understand that is how it get out and they are quite intent on climbing whatever they have the opportunity to attempt to scale.  If I try to take the stool in to sit while I interact (it feels like a kindergarten teacher or librarian at story time), they swarm it before I can sit down.  I can get one or two puppies off but there are 5-6 more ready to take their place.

I can’t decide whether it’s more like Gulliver and the Lilliputians or the dinosaurs that hunt at a group in Jurassic Park but they certainly create quite a swarm.  It’s like ventriloquism except they seem to have managed to throw their teeth/paws instead of their voices.  No, it’s like being a teen pop star!  Most of us will never be as popular as with a litter of puppies, especially PWD puppies.  So far, they haven’t torn y clothes but they certainly like to grab whatever they can.  They manage to carry a flip flop, too.  I can’t believe how they are growing.

I apologize for this not being a better post but I’m losing the migraine battle for today.  The Grandma/Aunties are coming to help and puppysit while I go get my shots tomorrow.  Fingers crossed for a lot less hurling than the last 2 times (hurling is from the migraine, not the shots) but I’m certain the puppies won’t be neglected even if I’m out of commission for much of the day.  So we’ll say Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

11/10/20 Pupdate

It was quite an eventful day with the puppies today!  We stayed inside until about noon so it could warm up because the deck was still wet from washing it off last night.  They must not have been cold because I couldn’t convince them to stay in the sunshine.  They certainly seemed to have a good time playing with leaves, each other, climbing in/on/out/off of things and generally just gamboling about the yard.  In the most adorable ways possible.

The Grandma Aunties came because we planned to use the potentially last pretty day to go swimming.  It was 80some degrees and sunny so we need to do it while we can.  Another friend came (another new person!) to help, too so after they ate a light lunch and had a little nap (and the sun helped warm everything up a little more), we loaded them into the van and drove up the hill to the pond.  We took the mama, too just in case she was needed.  She got to run around while we arranged things and ourselves (I wore neoprene pants because I KNOW the pond is not as warm as I like).  

One by one, we introduced the puppies to swimming!  GrandmaAunt Cindi video’d with her phone; LeAnne called from shore and Pat cuddled puppies post swim.  As usual, the puppies did not start swimming until their chins hit the water.  A couple of puppies even let their face go under (that’s a skill they’ll eventually need in water work) before they started swimming. They were better at swimming than going to LeAnne - they kept going on swimabout until I started going along with them with my hand out in front so they’d follow it.  

After everyone got cuddled and warmed up a little (they dried quickly in the nice warm sunshine), we fed them more puppy mousse and let them play a little and let the Mama out too (we crated her while we did the swims).  They followed me in the grass a little and I made certain everyone went through the sand (but didn’t eat it just in case). Then we loaded back up because some of them were going to sleep and came back to the dog yard for a nice big nap.  Well, they got a nice big nap.  I did laundry from the big pond adventure.

When they woke and played a little more, I brought them back into the house because I didn’t want them to get chilled.  They did a pretty good job following me in but it’s a little disconcerting to them that Deja finds it VERY exciting to run along with me while I call.  (He still has a fair amount of puppy in him, too ). The aren’t afraid of it but it makes it harder for me to keep track of where they are as we make our way across the floor.  I should probably just sit and wait for them to make it but I probably won’t do that.  It shouldn’t be too much longer before they’ll eat a little dry kibble and I can start using the Treat n Train to get them all of the way into the pen. 

They’ve had a good dinner, a lot of napping and a little playing and we’re going to cuddle a little before it’s time for nighty, nighty nighty (I’m pretty sleepy already) so puppy breath to all!

Monday, November 9, 2020

11/9/2020 Pupdate

Another lovely day to spend the afternoon outside!  We wait until noonish so that the sun can come over the hill and warm things up a little and stay out until it gets dark (before 6 pm ;-(, I am not a fan of this time of year).  There is no hesitation about going into the yard and they are a little insistent about going under the grill but I finally secured that (I think, I’m sure one of them will show me if I have not)

A smarter choice would have been to set up the mickey mouse fencing and other additions BEFORE taking the puppies outside but I eventually managed to get it secured.  I put the top to a large varikennel beside the door with a bed on top for Phoebe so she can keep watch but not be within range of 7 kids hollering “Mom!” Over and over. She still nurses them and cleans up after them and plays with them some but she doesn’t feed them on demand these days so she needed an escape.  They play with Deja and they sometimes follow Great GrammieSammie but they don’t try to nurse on them. Smart puppies.  

They really wanted to be near my face today.  When I held anybody or sat in the playhouse with them or cuddled in the pen, everybody was adamant about it.  I don’t recall noticing that in other litters but it’s certainly not a bad thing.  They’ve also suddenly decided that they need to be right where I am about to put my foot. It’s a skill they mastered apparently while sleeping.

While they were sleeping this afternoon, I put the cans back on the adventure cube (I never know what to call that thing, it’s like a mobile that they can grab and destroy but it doesn’t actually move so it isn’t a mobile and managed to get it onto the deck without dismantling it.  Whatever it is, they LOVE it and were very excited to have the cans back on it.  I hung a ball on a rope toy on it, too and they were playing a puppy version of tetherball on it (or what I imagine tetherball to be. I never understood that thing, nobody ever played it or explained any kind of purpose/rules to it).

They were in and out of the castle sandbox a lot today and were also enjoying climbing in the upside down lid to it.  It has a dome on the top so when the climb in, it’s like a rocking wobble basket for them.  I tried to get video but I my phone was charging (again). 

They keep being cute and demanding my attention (by being adorable) now so I’m going to go play with puppies before they eat again and we all go Nighty, nighty, nighty. Puppy breath to all!

11/8/2020 Pupdate

It was a BIG day here today!  The pupsters aren’t sleeping as long during the day; they still nap hard and sometimes for extended periods but they are waking up and being active more frequently.  They were up to have breakfast at 6:30 this am and awake again by 9:30.  

They do not react the same to their Grandma Caly’s very loud barking to play with their sire as they do when the other bigs dogs actually sound the alarm.  I don’t know how they know the difference but they do.  

We spend over 5 hours outside in the nce weather today. Some of it was awake and some sleeping.  Some puppies were bound and determined to sleep under the grill instead of in the playhouse but eventually, I won and closed them inside (I had to get the doorstop to keep them from opening it though). While outside, they got to see an automobile, a tractor, and a side by side drive by the fence and then I sat in the playhouse with mostly sleeping puppies while the MSU mowed the dog yard.  They noticed but it didn’t worry them.

Aunt Cindi came to see them and took the 5 week old pictures after she got some cuddles.  She also stayed with them while we went to the building and brought the crates, ex pens and a couple of other activiy items.  They must’ve worn themselves out because they slept hard most of the evening

I hope to use part of tomorrow’s nice (for Nov, it is very nice) weather to perfect the deck areas.  That reminds me, I need to get something on the glass on the storm door so they don’t run into it.  I used to use a picture for the back of an aquarium but that one was falling apart.  Maybe I’ll do it with the Messmaker 2000.

Unfortunately, we had such a big day that I had to keep lettin gmy phone charge so I didn’t take full notes of what happened to tell y’all all about the day. ;-(. But I can assure you that they are QUITE adorable little pupsters and they had lots and lots of fun today.  Nighty, nighty, nighty and puppy breath to all!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

11/7/2020 5 Weeks Old!

How is this even possible that they are 5 weeks old?  I guess time flies when you are having fun! The weekly(ish) photo shoot is postponed until tomorrow though.

I changed out their rickrack collars yesterday because they were all tight but I made them longer so they would show but they were grabbing them and chewing on the ends.  I decided I wouldn’t sleep for worrying about it and took them all off before we went to sleep.  So everybody is streaking.  When Dog Cindi and I were talking about it today, she was worried we wouldn’t be able to tell who was who before we put them back.  I can tell them apart just fine but I spend a lot of time with them.  (And I’ve ordered breakaway cat collars so others can tell them apart but they can’t get hurt playing attack the sibling. I’ll put the rickrack back when people come until we have those)

We had a good night for a pleasant tomorrow - but they had a more pleasant tomorrow than I did.  (This week is Botox, thank goodness.). They are being good little bite havers- it’s a little amazing to me how quickly they change.  They were still strictly nursing a week ago.

Lunchtime was a picnic followed by a little playtime with GreatGrammieSammie and DaddyDeja.  Deja actively played withthem more than GreatGrammieSammie.  He’d lure them into grabbing at his face and then gently run around the stuff on the deck (playhouse/castle sandbox top/ chairs) which I found made it difficult to keep track of the puppies.  Especially if only some were playing with him.  We’ll get back into the swing of it - it’s been a LONG time (10 years ?) since I’ve had a puppy his age here full time with little puppies.

The brave little toasters went out into the grass on their own several times.  They even waited until I’d opened the gate for them.  Getting back inside is getting better but they  still don’t all make it completely back to the pen under their own steam.  There are too many distractions along the way to keep them all heading in the right direction.  I may move one of the remote treat dispensers to that side of the room to keep the adults heading that way to help cut down on them being a distraction.  We’re going to miss the nice warm weather when it goes away but maybe we’ll get lucky and it will last.

Playtime involves a lot more use of needle teeth and they can actually grip and move surprisingly heavy things.  I can’t tell if they realize when they are the one on the fleece/blanket/toy keeping it from moving but they stop that faster than they give up dragging a sibling on a magic carpet ride.  I’m going to have to start wearing shoes that protect my toes as least part of the time as well until they learn a little bite inhibition from each other/the Mama.  They usually just gnaw fairly gently but it’s dosconcerting if they get hold of a toe while I am walking.

They also enjoy being cuddled and brushed and give good kisses (so far, they aren’t zombie face eating kisses but they definitely grab at each other’s faces and the the faces/ears of an investigating big dog.) The time periods they are awake are a little longer and much more active but they still sleep a lot of the time so there are plenty of opportunities to cuddle a sleeping puppy or two at a time.  They are winding down as am I so we are going to say Nighty, nighty, nighty. Puppy breath to all!

Friday, November 6, 2020

11/06/20 Pupdate

Oh my goodness, we are ALL tired!  I didn’t go back to sleep after feeding the puppies breakfast because their Aunties/Grandmas were coming this afternoon so I had to get ready.

New things I’ve noticed:  when the big dogs sound the alarm (generally at things like deer going through the yard), the puppies retreat to the back of the pen.  Smart puppies

They are starting to play bitey mouth in a much more coordinated manner and for longer periods of time.

They had a nice playtime after breakfast and then a big nap.  They are all adorable but how cute is this? 


Very adorable - and worth the poop I stepped in and tracked through the pen (in my bare feet!) as I hurried to try to get photos/video.  Their mama was outside pottying or she’d have had that cleaned that up. Fortunately, I keep cleaning supplies in the pen and then I went to properly wash (all the skin off of) my feet.

They napped while I cleaned the floor (they seem to pay no attention to the vacuum or the steam mop) and then I secured the deck a little better so we’d be ready for a visit.  As the visitors approached, I took the puppies outside (and I closed them into the playhouse until I all were outside).  After I opened the door, they came gamboling out to explore.  We’d been out there a few minutes when Aunt/Grandma Cindi and Aunt/Grandma LeAnne arrived.

Since it was lunchtime, the puppies had a picnic.  I’d prepped their dish (they are now fine with the large flying saucer.  I really need to weigh them because they seem to be much larger) but them feed tehm so they don’t only expect it from me.  They ate pretty quickly and had a little milky rice cereal dessert, too.  

Then their Grandma Bela came in to meet them.  They were quite interested in her and their Mama was very happy to see her Mama, too!  We hadn’t seen B since before they were born (she kept getting quarantined from babies) and I’ve missed her.  She seemed pretty happy to be here, too!  We all played outside for a few more minutes and then we brought the puppies inside the house.  They can all get in the door but the big dogs kept going back and forth (to see the human who was bringing up the rear because we don’t leave a puppy outside alone) so it wasn’t the most orderly procession.  Eventually, they were all safely ensconced in their area and settled in for a rest.

The big dogs (except Bela and she was so VERY NOT PLEASED about that turn of events) then went for a mini-romp while Cindi and I tackled the first stab at little lion butts.  I don’t think there is anything cuter than little bitty lion trim butts and tired puppies are pretty cooperative.  There was a little chewing on my fingers as entertainment and I had to hold them in various positions so that we could sort of do it. It is by no means a show groom but we still took a lot of hair off for them to be so little!

By the time we were finished, the big dogs were back so I went to give them showers.  Phoebe is excited to go but she is impatient to return to her puppies afterward so she was first (usually Deja is first) and released while I worked my way through the others then Cindi brought B in and I bathed B her.  For those of you playing along at home, we are up to 5 PWD showers at this point but only one in show coat (the others are all lazy lions)

After a few minutes to rest (me) and wait for them to wake (the puppies), we took them outside again and afterthey ran around a few minutes, I gave them their first baths.  Since they are ‘small’, first baths are in the laundry sink.  Every puppy settled right in to the nice warm water and nobody fussed during the final stage of rinsing when I run the stream over their head and face.  Each puppy was wrapped up in a nice big towel and cuddled (this part is as much for us as them).

The MSU helped with cuddling until we finished up (I was bathing and Cindi was watching the puppies who were in the queue but still gamboling around) and then he gave my his 2 puppies (I had 3, Cindi and LeAnne each had 2 until Cindi had to give one of hers to LeAnne because Bela was bound and determined to get on the ottobenbed.). There’s not a whole lot nicer than cuddling freshly bathed puppies (lavender baby shampoo and puppy breath is quite the heady combination).  Then he fired some gunshots for us.  The puppie were completely sacked out so they didn’t seem to take notice but that’s how we like it - positive or neutral associations with loud/weird occurrences.

I thought they were going to sleep through dinner time but they woke when I brought the dish into the pen and had a nice dinner and an abbreviated play session and went back to sleep.  They’ve had a few breaks from sleeping but mostly just to go to the potty area and then give a sibling a cursory bite or two before going back to sleep.  It sounds like a good idea to me, too so I’m going to prep for the midnight snack and be ready to go nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

11/05/2020 Pupdate

It is now daylight at about 6 am but the puppies aren’t insistent about getting up.  Thank goodness because I am NOT an early morning person.  They played a little somewhat quietly for several minutes before I got up and when it became obvious I was awake, they all ran over to the gate to say good morning.  I couldn’t get up until the big dogs had finished saying good morning, though. 

About 6:30, they ate a hearty, healthy (for puppies) breakfast of meat/oat/formula mixture followed by dessert of rice cereal goat milk smoothie.  I think they do better in the smaller UFO dishes so I’ve been using 2 of those at each meal.  Only occasionally do I feel the need to move someone to a better spot.  I probably don’t actually need to do that anyway but I’m nothing if not meticulous about the puppies.

4/7 immediately pooped, funny how I automatically start counting poops again.  When we become a little more cincerned with house training, it’s extra important that I know they’ve all pooped before we go back inside or we are more likely to have accidents. Thankfully, PhoeMama is still cleaning up after them.

After breakfast they had a bigger, louder play session.  At times, it sounds like they going to commit mayhem with little tails wagging furiously (but it’s not always the same puppy so I’m not worried about somebody being a bully).  Then they had a nice long nap while I prepped future meals for them.

I took them out onto the deck in the sunshine around noon.  I blocked off the gate to the yard on one side with part of the playhouse and put one of their fleece pieces in the castle sandbox and spread another of their blankets onto the deck.  Most of the deck was shaded by the house but there was enough sunshine for them.  I carried the puppies outside and put them in the castle and then I gave them their lunch on the blanket.  Not all of the puppies are able to easily get out of the sandbox yet so I helped a couple (I didn’t want the others to eat all of the lunch before they got out). Then things got out of (my) control quickly.  They found leaves to play with and explored until I let their GreatGrammieSammie onto the deck.  After she checked them and their dish, she went on about her business and they decided they might go along with her.  That was fine until she decided to take the ramp into the yard and at least one puppy started down with her.  2 more were going under the grill ( an favorite napping place for puppies) and the other 4 were playing with me but I had to run get that puppy because the space between those railings aren’t secured.  I’ll not make the mistake of opening that section again.

The puppies gamboled around and generally had a good time running amok (including the one who breached the defenses at the other gate and went through after knocking over the piece of the playhous) and I decided to bring them back inside before something went amiss.  I carried some and some followed me (they managed to climb up the step through the door) part of the way and eventually everyone was secured in the pen again.  Where they promptly settled in for their long afternoon nap and I contemplated taking up drinking (day drinking at that).  Instead, I finished reassembling the playhouse (except the roof which takes 2 people to get into place) and arranged things better (I hope) for their next outing.  I haven’t finished proofing the porch side in case we go out that way in the event of bad weather.

I’m going to prep their midnight snack since I’ve been having to go to bed before that to get my head to stop hurting (botox next in a week, thank goodness) and try to make sure I get this posted before then.  I thought I’d posted yesterday’s but it was still sitting there this afternoon.  Then I’m going to play with puppies a little more and we’ll say nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all!