Saturday, October 31, 2020

10/31/20 4 Weeks Old!

Happy Halloween! The babies aren’t very spooky but they are VERY VERY cute.  Dog Cindi came today and we had our FIRST new visitor for the official count!  Lana (she has SDB’s littermate sister Emma) came to visit the pupsters this afternoon.  After I made sure she held each puppy, she got in the pen with them and got to choose (or be chosen)

Phoebe decided that was a good time to feed the puppies again and let Lana pet her while she did it.  Phoebe discreetly manages to control interactions with her puppies.  SDB is always available to be ber backup if she needs an enforcer ;-)

Before Lana arrived, I enlarged the pen again.  We needed some more room in there for all of the toys.  They mostly stayed with Cindi while I added the new sections of ex pen but when I was changing the linens, they were all over me and the linens.  One puppy was on my lower legs as I crawled all over the pen and was eventually joined by other puppies as well.  They are really cute and becoming more and more fun.

We wore masks while Lana was here but the pupsters didn’t seem to mind.  We stayed far enough away from Lana that she could take hers off in the puppy pen and get some puppy breath.  Then she helped us with their 4 week old Halloween pictures.  They are too large to fit into some of the props, we’d hoped to get them into the jack o lantern treat buckets but we could barely fit one puppy in each of them (we had 4) so I’m not sure we got a group picture.  They were mostly sleeping when we started but they were all awake before we managed to attempt the group picture.

We’ve done a little cuddling and some resting this evening, it was a big day after all.  I think I’m going to try to take a nap in the bed again when the MSU gets home.  Then I’ll come down and feed the big dogs, try to play a with the little dogs a little (last night, as if on cue, Phoebe came in and fed the puppies moments after I’d gone in to cuddle them) and then go Nighty, Nighty, Nighty.  We have more visitors scheduled for tomorrow.  Puppy Breath to all!

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