Thursday, October 22, 2020

10/21/20 Pupdate

Another quiet night by the babies! I could get used to this.  I slept for a while before the MSU got home from work and I fed the big dogs and went back to sleep as Phoebe was feeding the babies.  I sort of woke up around 4:30 and she was feeding them again. I guess she doesn’t clean them and rile them up so much in the middle of the night which is very considerate of her imo.

This am, they are all moving around like little dogs and I’ll swann they are playing with each other a little.  They are at least interacting and not just to get to the milk bar/jockeying for position.  They also interact with me!  If they are fussing, I can soothe them by petting, letting the rest their big ol’ heads in my hand.  I’m going to have to start paying attention to see if they seem to hear me, too.  That’s a little harder since I have to be pretty close to tell.  Maybe their Grandma (Dog) CIndi will be able to watch that for me at her next visit.

I assembled the ‘activity cube’ this am.   I got some small metal cans to use in addition to the pie pans this time and I;m trying to schedule out which things go on at which time.  There’s no real need to schedule it out other than I like to have a plan ‘just in case’ and I can have everything ready to go this way.  

Weight watcher’s meeting today was pretty exciting.  Phoebe and DejaView were both too interested and I had to keep moving their big ol heads out of the way to get the puppies in the milk crate to put on the scale.  Each puppy is now big enough that the scale will recognize them without the milk crate weight!  I won’t need the extra columns in the spreadsheet to subtract out the milk crate anymore but the app thinks all of my babies lost almost 3 lbs between the first and second weighings today just minutes apart.  

Phoebe is letting me carry individual puppies around more.  She still likes to check them out and back in like some sort of  puppy library but I’ll take what I can get.  Puppy breath to all, Nighty, Nighty, Nighty!

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