Monday, October 19, 2020

!0/19/20 Pupdate

Oh my, I don’t know how it’s possible but they’ve gotten even cuter!  Louder, too at times ;-)  I’m pretty sure they are looking around, too.  They are definitely moving around like little dogs.

I don’t know where this day went but it’s dark again.  In my defense, there’s more dark than daylight these days but it was rather warm outside.  I carried each puppy out onto the deck for a few minutes and let them sniff the air/look around.  I kind of doubt that they see a whole lot better than I do at this point but I know they can smell things better.

PhoenoMama continues to live up to her nickname.  But I think she’s getting another shower tomorrow.  I like that she cleans the puppies so well but poop on her muzzle is still kind of gross.  I washed it off with a washcloth but it’s still icky to know it was there.

They are being pretty cooperative for having their toenails trimmed.  If they’d just not grow them so quickly, we wouldn’t get so much practice.  I have noticed that the hair on their feet is getting long enough to interfere with the clipping, too.  I can’t wait until they are old enough to put them into little lion butts!

They are quite efficient little eaters.  Not very polite, but very efficient.  They’re pretty adept at eating while the Mama sits and, this evening, while she was trying to clean them up, FauxReal made some serious attempts at nursing while she stood.  She didn’t quite succeed but I don’t think it will be too much longer - and she’s the ‘smallest’ puppy ;-) Nighty, nighty nighty and puppy breath to all

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