Friday, October 9, 2020

Oct 8. 2020 Pupdate

I’m not sure how it is possible but the puppies are even cuter today than yesterday.  Maybe because there is more of them than there was yesterday.  I have scales!  They don’t talk but at the worst, we’ll have weight watcher’s meeting via Zoom.  (I haven’t tried to get the apps working for either of them yet to see if they work with voiceover.)

Phoebe - I haven’t decided what her mama nickname will be, but I’m ready for when she becomes a grandmother - my great grandmother was Grandma Phoebe so that’s in my mouth already ;-) - had a very diggy night.  I was sleeping the early part and the MSU was on puppywatch and when I got up at 3am (the puppy fomo is real), he’d blocked the dog door off and had things piled up on the couches to stop her from digging in them.  She tries to sneak in some den building whenever we go out for a potty trip but is being forced to content herself with going in the crates and digging up the blankets.

The aunties (Dog Cindi and LeAnne) came today and brought SammieDoodlebug home.  Cindi puppysat while we took Deja, Caly and SDB out for a mini-romp with a little swimming in the pond (for them, not us) followed by showers.  That helped them blow out a little carbon before bringing everyone back together. At 13.5 and fairly deaf, I’m not sure how involved the Bug is going to be with this litter.  Guess we’ll see what they all decide (under close supervision). 

Dog Cindi managed to clip some of the nails on some of the puppies while she was in charge, too.  And, as usual, she took lots of pictures with her phone (they are on facebook and I am tagged).  We did forget to take posed pictures of the puppies (again)

Phoebe is getting better about letting us hold the puppies (we managed to have a whole weight watchers meeting on the new scales - some of the puppies were weighed on both). I just pay her with squirty cheese for letting me take her puppies and I’ve started counting down during ENS, too.  I do it for other duration behaviors so I might as well use something she already knows to see if it helps (and it might be helping)

The puppies have started really singing, especially while they nurse.  They occasionally make little bark noises, too but they still don’t hesitate to make the baby alligator in distress noise if they want their mama.  Amazing how everything they do is adorable.


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