Wednesday, October 14, 2020

10/14/20 Pupdate

It’s been an eventful day here in the puppy room.  First I moved everything around again to clean and prepare but that doesn’t affect the youngsters too much at this stage other than the possible change in scents.

The MSU had to go for a follow up with the arm surgeon to get released to go back to work (and hopefully find out why it hurt so much - conclusions: tendonitis and an infection in the surgical site; presumably medications will improve both) and Aunt LeAnne and Aunt Cindi came to see the pupsters.  LeAnne brought Caly so she could take the non-mama dogs for a romp.

While they took a mini romp back on the hill, Dog Cindi sat with the puppies and I set up a new area for the puppies.  I’ll add a potty area soon but right now it’s a larger rectangle with the ferret ex pen in the front and one side and real ex pen sections on the back and one side.  They have a nice big fluffy section of fleece and the PhoenoMama (Phoebe/Phenominal Mama) has more room to stretch out with all of them.

We cuddled puppies a while and Deja checked out the new puppy area.  Until just before puppies, that was his spot (he was a puppy here too and I kept his pen then crate there) He was very cute wallering and digging it up and then he kept lying on the big tote for storing the fleece pieces (I’m a little surprised it held him so well but he very much remembered the all of the times I had him up on various ones to practice groming, etc.  I’m putting a dog bed on it so he can be more comfortable). As I hoped, he got it out of his system and was very gentle looking over the ferret pen at the babies when we moved them.  Phoebe seems very pleased with the new digs.

The other big news for the day is that one of the times I was cuddling the puppies and giving them little bits of probiotics, I noticed that FauxMo is tired of missing out and is opening his eyes (driver’s side first). I was reminded again how happy I am not to have to worry about Puppy Eye Syndrome (PES) any more.  Now I’ll have to resist the impulse to check their eyes every time I wake tonight.

Puppy breath to all! Nighty, nighty, nighty  

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