How in the world has 3 weeks passed already? There is certainly a big difference in the pupsters in those 3 weeks, too. And against all odds, they are even cuter!
Phoebe continues to be a great Mama. This week is peak nursing load on her so I’ll need to increase her calories again. She’s a good eater so that shouldn’t be too hard. She needs some carbs to help with that but I need to make sure her ears don’t get yeasty. The other dogs are happy enough to eat whenever she does but they don’t get nearly as much at each meal. The puppies are definitely nursing off every calorie we give to her.
They are quite efficient at nursing, too. They occasionally manage to latch on while she stands (she’s busy cleaning them and they are opportunistic) but it doesn’t last very long. They are very vocal in their protests and they are also getting more vocal in their play.
It was getting a little crowded in the pen when she went in to nurse and they all seemed very near to going over the wall so I renovated their area again today. So now there is room for them and the mama and their toys (and me). Deja came in to check it all out, too but they were busy nursing and didn’t notice him.
From this point on, I should be able to just add panels but I figure I’ll have to start closing the gates or rig up a little higher step. Phoebe can certainly clear it fine. She jumped in and out of the old puppy pen with hang time. (She also goes over the gates on my deck to the dog yard at will so I just leave them open when she is here.) I’ll add crates later as I add space and I had to move the ottobenbed (thankfully, everything out here is on casters so I can move it easily) into a new position since I’m planning to try to take them in and out the deck on that is partially covered when we start going outside.
I put the traditional vtech piano toy that the sire of our first litter sent for the puppies 13.5 years ago in today. It’s traditional. I have several other noisy/moving toys to cycle in and out but that one stays in most of the time. I’m trying to decide on the best time to put the dancing baseball player furry creature in there. It plays/sings “Take me out to the ballgame” and since the team my nephew works for is in the World Series, it seems apropos. I’m sure the puppies will appreciate the symbolism ;-)
Dog Cindi got contaminated by too manyother dogs at FastCast today so she didn’t come help celebrate their 3 week birthday (and take pictures). She has some extra clothes here (we planned ahead when Bela was still in quarantine for the potential respiratory infection) but she’d had so many dogs all over her that she’d have had to shower first and she was just too tired.
I’m awfully tired myself. We had a front move in (our pretty weather is gone) and that is never good for my sinuses so I didn’t sleep much. I was too busy today to nap (all of that cleaning ‘construction’ time ate into my nap time so I think I’m going to hold a weight watchers meeting and call if a night after I feed the big dogs again. IF I can maintain it, I think I have a schedule I can keep that is mostly within my ‘regular’ sleep pattern. I added a snack in today to adjust the times and still work around Caly’s med schedule. So for nowm we’re going to say Nighty, Nighty, Nighty and puppy breath to all!
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