Tuesday, October 27, 2020

10/27/20 Pupdate

Good morning, good morning the little dogs say.  And they are really cute when they say it! They don’t just watch their Mama now, they watch me and the big dogs, too.  But mostly me and the PhoeMama.

She continues to take good care of her offsrping.  She’s been adding toys to their area, apparently, they need a different variety than I am providing.  She also seems to be saying she’ll begin as she means to go on with regards to toys.  Phoebe has no compunction about snatching toys out of the other dogs’ mouths (she did it to Indy, Bela, and when he grew up enough Deja) and, if she wants one that is in their pen when it’s time to parade; she just takes it.  This am, she wanted the long green snake she had given them earlier so she took it.  It took her a little longer because at least 2 puppies were lying on it and she had to dislodge them.  At least she doesn’t send them flying when she wants to parade.

Apparently, I put the little baseball player in on the wrong day.  There wasn’t a game last night - shows how much I keep up with it (I’m only even the slightest interested because my nephew works for the Rays.  Not interested enough to actually listen to a game or the details of any game.)  It’s not important like a dog show ;-)

I’m incredibly anvious to start feeding the puppies so I keep checking for teeth.  They are happy to oblige this inspection by gnawing all over my fingers, toes, clothes, etc.  I suspect the girls will tell me it’s time by hurling for them (invariably, I start checking to see when we started feeding the other litters and the bitches puke for them so I was at least close on when it should happen.  I shouldn’t be so anxious to get started but I am.  Everyone always says that the bitch stops cleaning up after them when they start feeding the puppies but, fortunately, that has not been our experience.

They are being VERY good at hitting the potty area for poop.  Pee is less reliable but they are pretty little, still and it’s a work in process.  Still, not bad for 3 weeks old!

Now that we have the DNA results (and me, being me, has scheduled them all out to make sure I ‘see’ how they came up with the results so I know they are ‘correct’), I need to finish up the cast of characters.  And I think I’ll make a separate post for anyone interested so they know how and why we arrived at the necessity of doing DNA to determine parentage (well, sire.  The dam was not in question)

I have the AKC swabs now but I recalled that I need a sighted person to help me keep them straight after I do them.  I don’t know if I am waiting for the microchips first,  probably not.  I don’t have that kind of patience to wait for the registrations (they AKC will have to process their samples before I can do the litter registration application). Hopefully, we can do those tomorrow.  I’ll have to get out a bunch of ‘containers’ for the puppies again since they have to be separated from each other and the big dogs.  I wonder if they can get out of some of the ones I used last week (probably so but maybe they’ll be sleeping).

This evening, I was talking to the MSU and all of a sudden there was a little brown puppy trotting herself across the floor.  I scooped her up and put her back, if I’d had any idea it was going to happen, I’d have been ready to take a picture.  I have reinforced the defenses by using a couple of sections of the green rabbit pen and wire tying (pronounced as WarTying in the southern part of the state) them across the gate openings.  While i was doing that, she woke up and came over to try it again.  So I set her down on the ‘free’ side while I finished.  She interacted with her daddy and Granddam Caly a little and tried to have a snack while her mother stood watching me work.  Phoebe was nice enough to lie down so she could nurse and stay out of trouble until I was done.  Then I put her back in the pen.  She checked that gate immediately so I’m aftraid she knows what she did because she also tried to do it at the other one (fortunately, I had already secured it). We’re going to do a little cuddling and go Nighty, Nighty, Nighty.  Puppy breath to all!

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