Monday, October 12, 2020

10/12/20 Pupdate

I came downstairs to a streaking little Miss Red AGAIN!  The MSU doesn’t know how she keeps doing it but I hope she doesn’t grow into a Houdini puppy.  (She’s not sliding it off, it’s untied)

Against all odds, the pupsters are even cuter today than last night.  I might have to stop sleeping so I don’t miss anything.  They’re even adorable when they sleep (good thing because they sleep a lot.). 

I had to pay for the privilege with squirty cheese but the dogs let me carry puppies around for a few minutes today.  Deja is as bad as Phoebe about wanting to check on the puppy as I’m holding it.  SammieDoodlebug just checks on them as I pick them up; put them down; or she comes back in from outside.  I have lots of expert supervision ;-)

Weight watchers meeting confirms that everyone is growing, growing, growing.  Since that’s the only thing they’ve been tasked to do, they are obedient little pupsters ;-). We have almost 12% more puppy than yesterday.  Pure puppy goodness!

New noises happen more frequently now, too.  They’ve very occasionally done little barks here and there but now that happens a few times a day.  I’m pretty sure their little eyes are growing in there and we get some funny little ear flapping, too.  Nice not to have to worry about PES as those things develop, I’m thankful we have the genetic test for that now.  One less thing to worry about

Nighty, nighty, nighty and Puppy Breath to all!

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