Tuesday, October 20, 2020

10/20/20 Pupdate

Good morning, good morning the little dogs say.  They didn’t wake me up at all last night.  I assume Phoebe fed them but I didn’t hear it sleeping right beside them.  I DID hear her sound the alert at something she saw out the window (I’m guessing deer going through the yard) beside the ottobenbed.  Even Caly barked at it (loud though she is while playing, Caly VERY VERY rarely feels the need to join in the defense. I think I can count on one hand the times she has) so it must’ve been startling.  It certainly startled me.  The pupsters slept right through it.

They are definitely developing more vision.  They watch where Phoebe and the other big dogs go and seem to notice when I’m there, too.

Today, I gave them one of the caterpillow stuffies. Phoebe has used it as a pillow during feeding time more than once.  The puppies usually lie on them as well, hence caterpillow instead of caterpillar.  I think they are starting to move to the potty spot when it’s time to go, at least when their mother isn’t right there making it happen (she still cleans it up - good girl! But I’m also glad she isn’t so much a kiss giver)

I’m about to have to change out their collars again.  These puppies are big enough that I probably could’ve use the velcro collars but the last set rubbed little spots on the neck/shoulder of the puppies so I’m not risking it again.  I’ll just keep cutting and tying rickrack.  Although, I think I may have to get a difference package of red rickrack or something for FauxReal because hers will NOT stay tied so she’s streaking AGAIN. Fortunately, she’s easy to tell from the others (I think I can tell all of them apart by now even without the collars but I spend close to 24 hours a day with them.)

We’re going to do puppy yoga (the scent of the day is Blackberries) and have a cuddle before I try to take a nap until it’s time to feed the big dogs again.  Then we’ll all go Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all.

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