Saturday, October 31, 2020

10/30/20 Pupdate

And we’re growing, growing, growing.  After they finish eating, they are playing with the mama’s  face/ears.  I also noticed them doing that with Deja and Great GrammieSammie.

Phoebe left the destuffed caterpillow (originally from when Deja and littermates were babies) hanging on the gate and they were not only grabbing it, they were pulling and tugging.  Didn’t quite mamange to dislodge itt though.  Yet.

If I make an encouraging noise or talk to them, they leave toy to play with me.  I try to remember not to do that every time but I don’t ignore them when they do it because that’s a behavior I like in an adult dog, too.

Have I mentioned that they are Very cuddly.  I need to remember ot take something in to use as a pillow because I need both hands for puppies when I lie down in there with them.

They watch the action through the fence but seem to know where the gates are, maybe I’ll move them again to see. I want to change it around some anyway.  

At least twice today, FauxReal had puppy zoomies, she was the last one awake and she ran over the various things in the pen including  sleeping siblings.

They ‘run’ (ok, maybe it’s often more of a lurch but they obviously intend to run and will as soon as they get coordinated enough) around making viscous (aka vicious) noises while furiously wagging tails.  They are absolutely adorable when they do this.  (I will not teach them to make horrible noises like I did the first puppies, Cindi.  But it WAS cute and the stopped really quickly when I didn’t reward it anymore)

I put 1 side of the spice rack stairs in the pen and they go up and down but I’m not sure there’s room for anyone to sleep on them.   I’m sure we’ll find out before long. In that vein of true PWDs behaviors, they’ve begun sleeping with appendages sticking through the pen


We have  big day tomorrow (we’ll be 4 weeks old and it’s Halloween)

Nighty, nighty, nighty, Puppy breath to all!

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