Wednesday, October 14, 2020

10/13/20 Pupdate

Another day and they are even cuter.  They’ve grown a LOT in the last 10 days.  I thought maybe they just seemed a lot larger to me but Cindi thought so, too.  So while they were nursing, she took a picture and compared them to the picture from when they were born.  They are MUCH larger.  They are almost ready to start going over the side of the pool and it’s getting a little crowded when Phoebe goes in with them.  I think I’ll switch them over to the little pen soon.

I tried to sleep by the puppies part of last night.  The MSU’s arm was hurting a lot so we needed to switch.  I slept a little but mostly kept listening to their little puppy noises, they are so very cute.  

Phoebe had a shower today.  Cindi sat with the puppies (it’s a tough job but someone has to do it) and put an extra piece of fleece in so they wouldn’t get cold from her being damp.  They recognized their mama pretty quickly even though she smelled clean. Then we cuddled puppies.  Phoebe accepted her payment frequently early on (she’s very good at showing us where the squirty cheese is kept) but then she relaxed more and we went to a less frequent reward schedule.  There’s nothing quite like a puppy sleeping on you.

Just another day with puppies ;-) Nighty, nighty, nighty and puppy breath to all! 

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