Tuesday, April 5, 2016

April 5, 2016 Pupdate

I guess I will have to take my hands out of the puppy pool to type up our entry for today.  It has been another day of eating and sleeping and growing and singing for the wee ones today.  They are becoming more and more mobile - as in the are moving with a purpose. Like Toucan Sam, they "follow the nose, it always knows" where the milk bar is located.  Since their eyes and ears aren't open they go by scent and they are quite adept at that.

The weight watchers meeting bears out that assumption.  As does the fact that we had to loosen collars again today.  I'll be changing them out soon for the other half.

Most of them are starting to yawn 'on cue'. As in, I pick them up and rub their cheek and they open their mouths in a big yawn and I put a little probiotic paste in their mouth.  They don't seem to care much about the paste but their Mama thinks it is the BEST stuff on the planet.  She will lick it out of their mouths if given the chance (I give her some before and after I do them but she wants ALL of the turns with that tube).  I may or may not sniff puppy breath while they yawn.  ;-). Hey there are perks to go with the lack of sleep we are getting.

I could probably actually sleep while on duty now.  But I might miss them doing something really cute.  Like breathing in and out, or eating or singing the song of their people.  The old dogs lie on the ottobenbed with me as I dangle my hand (at least) in the pool of puppies (and Mila). I might, on occasion, have a puppy come up and cuddle with me.  It is important that they learn to sleep on a human, imo, and what better time to start training such behaviors could there possibly be?

Today, Tamara clipped their toenails. She even remembered dew claws.  She wisely did it while they were sleeping so as not to have to fight with a puppy who would rather be at the bar.

I did actually catch her moving a puppy to the 'holding pool' the wrong way today though.  In this house, when you move a puppy, you kiss that puppy's nose at the very least.  I had to pick it up out of the holding pool and do it for her.  I don't remember which one it was, hopefully he/she won't be forever traumatized by the neglect ;-). She did the rest of them correctly.

Dog Cindi. Came and gave "Uncle" Jack and SammieDoodlebug haircuts.  We need to do more to both of them but it had been too long so it took some preliminaries.  While I bathed, Tamara gave Mila a big haircut, too.  She seems to be a little cooler now while she's lying there on the fleece with puppies all snuggled around her.  

The big milestone I noticed today is that they stretch and roll over as if intentionally.  As you can imagine, it's adorable.  Against all odds, they've gotten cuter and sweeter.  It's a good thing I don't bet money that they can't get any more so or I'd lose it all.  I guess I can't imagine how they coud get any cuter but I'm almost certain that tomorrow, I will find out just how.  For now, Puppy Breath to all!

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