I'll just go ahead and get this out of the way now: Somehow, the puppies have managed to become even cuter. I don't know how they could be any cuter but I suspect they'll find a way tomorrow.
The pupsters are officially aware of each other and people. They stilll sleep a lot, as they should, but when they are awake it is not all about eating. In true PWD fashion, they mouth pretty much everything. It's absolutely adorable. It will be somewhat less cute in the nexxt few weeks when they have mouths full of little needle teeth but I suspect I will still be thrilled with them. They grab each other's tails or feet, sometimes they chew their own feet. And they will chew on our fingers/ears/faces/clothes when they can reach (provided they are awake.)
They continue to practice relaxing while being held/petter/cuddled by a human and I caught myself crooning 'Eeeezeee, eeeeezeee' to one I was holding today when she was waking up and beginning to flail about. She actually relaxed so I gave her another quick cuddle and returned her to the pen.
We put the Totofit wedge in the pen some again today. At this point, we don't really expect them to use it as eequipment, it is just something new in the environment to help strengthen their little bodies. They are plenty strong already. I wonder if I will ever cease to be amazed by how quickly they develop (I hope not). It seems like they change from one naptime to another. I'm wondering if they recognize one person from another. They mostly see me and Tamara but the MSU interacts with them as well. He started Men in Hats training with them Monday evening.
When I changed the beeding today, I tried using linens with the best traction. It may not be the prettiest in the pictures but A: I don't really see the pictures and B: It's all about what is best for the puppies anyway. And good traction is better for them. I slid Jack's cooling mat underneath one of the blankets so they might get some of the benefit of it. They move on and off of it and so does Mila when she is in there.
They appear to have started having days where they have a large weight gain and then fairly small the next day. They also get kind of chunkier and then grow during a nap. Since their collars continue to need loosening and they are all active and nursing well, I'm going to take it in stride (while I document the weights/gains and do all kinds of comparisons. Fortunately, I get tired of doing electronic things and go back to cuddle puppies pretty quickly.). All puppies are in the 3.5-3.75 lb range and it's pure sweetness.
Puppy breath to all! Nighty, Nighty, Nighty
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