Monday, April 11, 2016

April 10, 2016 Pupdate

       4 am in the puppy pool - Chicken delivery.  (I don't think they are ready for a chicken dinner quite yet Mila)

Hoping including a picture works.  I've become rather lazy (or as I prefer to call it - more efficient) and have been typing the blog in notes on my ipad and then emailing it to the blog.  I don't think I've attempted to add pictures that way so if someone could let me know if it does or doesn't work, I'd appreciate it.

I'll swan (one swan's in lieu of swearing where I come from) that these puppies grow constantly.  Their little toenails grow fast and I think their hair is growing too.  I can feel the little whiskers coming out on their muzzles.  In case it's not readily apparent, I find them endlessly fascinating. (And if you read the blog each time I have puppies, I'm sorry if I sound like a broken record.  But hey, consistency is important with PWDs.)

I moved Mila's digging blankies yesterday when I put the ex pen across the room (it is black and if I am not thinking about it, I will walk into it so I draped them over it to make it more visible).  After I took it down, I left them in the floor the rest of the day (not in the 'preferred' spots).  Mila didn't show any interest in digging throughout the rest of the day so at 3am when I changed the bedding in the whepling pool, I put them in the laundry with the rest of it.  I didn't put down replacements.  Apparently, between 4 and 10 am (my sleeping shift), Mila decided she did want to dig again so Tamara had to give her replacements.  

Weight watchers meeting went well tonight.  Since they outgrew the container we've been using ffor them, I moved up to a plastic shoebox.  They fit but there isn't as much room as I thought there would be.  We have 2 more puppies past the 2 lbs mark; 2 are 3/10 and 2/10 oz below that and the 'smallest' is still only slightly over an ounce away.

Collars are getting tight AGAIN.  Allium has been streaking most of the day.  I'll have to do something about larger collars soon but at least we can mostly tell these puppies apart.  It is easier at a distance (almost arm's length for me, I am not certain how far away for Tamara) to do it by collar color though.

Toenail trimming continues to be an everyday occurrence.  They were mostly good but I had to let Snowdrops snuggle in on his back before he'd go back to sleep so I could do them.  In the end all of the puppies' nails werre trimmed and puppies were cuddled.

I'm going to do a little more cuddling and try to puzzle out how they manage to become cuter in spite of being as cute as they possibly can already.

Puppy breath to all!

Cristi Fogus Wetherholt (Blindchick)
Allyn Portuguese Water Dogs - Structure,Temperament, Drive...ALL IN!
Sent from my iPad

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