Good morning, good morning the little dogs say! Everybody has eyes (they don't see vey well yet but they have all opened their eyes). Overnight it seems they have become tiny little dogs. They already sleep with appendages sticking through the ex pen (it took what a day and a half) and some of them bark. Additionally, (Wild) Phlox howled - more than once today. One of the others howled with her in the pen shortly after she was put back, too. It was absolutely adorable.
They've also starting mouthing things (they have no teeth whatsoever -- not even any I can feel under their gums yet). There is a definite difference between how they mouth around when they are looking to nurse and this. Trillium even likes to play with the blanky hanging over the back 'wall' of the pen.
Weight watchers went fairly well tonight, as long as we could keep Mila from being too involved. The pupsters continue to gain weight nicely - 2 are arleady at 3.5 lbs, one is at 3/10th of an ounce shy of that and the other 3 are closing in on it. Grow, grow, grow.
Tomorrow we will begin to add things to the pen. At this point, they are going to be things easy to wash (I am NOT a fan of trying to wash poop off of those chickens and Mila doesn't like her chickens in the bucket of water) or well supervised. It will mostly be thing they just stumble upon for now since the Mama is the only one feeding them and they are too little to tug ;-). I did add the alfalfa feed pellets to the potty area and when we can catch them, we put them in the right spot. If we aren't fast enough on poop, we just try to stick a paper towel underneath to catch it so we don't have to get it off of the pads. I might be able to get more than one day out of the sheet underneath the pads if we are vigilant.
Training continues in resting/relaxing when cuddling or being petted by a human. Puppy Yoga is finished, on to new adventures (which continue to include clipping nails daily at least. So far, I have not quicked any again. I'm not certain about Tamara but she hasn't mentioned it if she did.)
I skipped my evening nap (I put away laundry and changed beds instead) in hopes of sleeping beside the puppies. If I am not still awake at 4am , Tamara will sleep until her alarm goes off at 6 And I will go to bed for a few hours. If I am, I will call and wake her up and I wil go to bed for hopefully, 6-7 hours. Normally, I get 8.5-9 but with puppies, I drop to 6 or less (when she was back home the most I got was 4.5 in any 24 hours period. Too many puppy things to think about. I need to stop thinking about it now because I'm starting to plan again and that's not conducive to rest. MamaMila's nex meal is scheduled at 3 but I'm sure I can get her to make it earlier if I am ready to rest. I'll get the ottobenbed into position so I'll be ready. In the meantime, I'm going to do a little cleaning and a little puppy cuddling - not necessarily in that order. Puppy breath to all, Nighty, Nighty, Nighty
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