There's a whole lot of cuteness going on here! The puppies are growing and growing. I went to sleep beside them on the ottobenbed at about 3:45 am and I slept mostly soundly until Tamara came down to take over. I plan to start a littler earlier tonight as we've spent the day moving Mila's mealtimes forward. As many calories as she needs to eat each day, we can't change it very quickly or she won't be hungry enough to eat.
When I came back down at 10ish, they were busy being awesome puppies. It's been a lovely day but when the sun came out, it would get too warm and we'd have to close the windows and use the a/c. Mila and the pupsters run warm. When they fussed until I put them on the bare floor as opposed to the pads, I slid part of Jack's old canine cooler mat in their pen. They seemed to enjoy the cool but it offers no traction so they mostly slithered on and off of it as needed. After they were all cooled off, I removed it.
The humans added some new items of interest for them today. I put in the fitness wedge today. Since they don't eat food yet, the only lures we have are curiosity and human hands (they like to come to hands - and faces but its a little harder to arrange that). We have the bumpy side up so they have a little more traction and, at the very least, some of them think it is just right as a pillow. I think Tamara mayve gotten some pictures of it. I also added a couple of very small soft chewy type toys that won't hold up a day after they begin to cut their teeth. I think I'll take the wedge out for the night to minimize the chance of needing to clean poop off of it. I'm tired enough of cleaning it off of the chickens that I snuck them out one at a time and hid them from MIla. She doesn't like us to put them in the bucket to clean them (they aren't as easy to sponge bathe as puppies are) and they tend to squawk when scrubbed so I'm minimizing the exposure for now. So far, she hasn't looked for them but I put them where she can't smell them, this isn't my first rodeo ;-)
They continue to pack on the ounces. Mila is feeding them quite well and spending more time out of the pen. She actually got in the bed with me for a little while and she had a nice chew on a split antler today. Eventually, she took it on the cooling mat and and the dog bed (hardly anyone uses the bed).
We managed to catch them sleeping for the weight watchers meeting and it was amazingly easy to conduct. Other than Jack wanting us to throw his toy while we were attempting ot hold the meeting anyway. He even resorted to dropping it in on them ;-)
Pigment is coming in nicely on noses, eye rims and lips. It's hard for me to get used to things like that with all of that white but they are working on being good little goth puppies ;-). I'll try not to make them creatures of the night - although I'd much rather them stay up late than to get up early. Hopefully, they'll be mostly malleable to the schedule preferred by their new humans. For now, they are on my schedule so I'm going to get in some cuddles before I feed the Mama and try to go Nighty Nighty Nighty. Puppy breath to all!
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