Friday, April 29, 2016

April 28, 2016 Pupdate

The morning started off with a linen change in the puppy pen.  They did very well yesterday and through the night but this morning while I slept and Tamara had to watch them, they staged Poopapalooza.  So we put the pupsters in the pool and Tamara guarded them while I took up all of the bedding and pads.  I cleaned the rubber and re-made the area.  Then we gave the pupsters sponge baths (well, we did the first 2 together, after that I cuddled pupsters - I mean encouraged them to pee in the potty area - while Tamara cleaned the others)

They also greeted her this morning by hanging off of her pants legs.  This is before they have teeth so they are going to be very fun very soon. ;-)

We put the pvc contraption over the Totofit equipment for today's items of interest.  They made good use of all of it but they also had a lot of interaction with each other.  They'll learn to be much more gentle when they get a mouthful of little needle teeth.

Shortly thereafter, the MSU and I brought up the outdoor puppy play equipment.  As we were bringing it up, it proceeded to rain.  I planned to mow the dog yard this afternoon and have Tamara bring the puppies outside one by one to hear the noise.  Since it was apparenlty going to rain on and off, the MSU mowed it while I was changing clothes/sanitizing myself so I could touch puppies.  I don't think it will stop growing so there will be more chances ;-). 

I disinfected the outdoor stuff between showers and cuddled puppies some between that.  It was important that I continue their training on sleeping while humans hold them.

More dog show noise cd playing today and loud music on the tv.  They hear the vacuum every day so that isn't much of a big deal.

They definitely come to see people when we approach the pen and they wag their little tails.  They run (at times more gracefully than others) to see us and at other puppies, too.

The weight watchers meetings are a challenge.  The bathroom scale was giving bizarre readings so we used the kitchen scale again.  The kitchen scale confirmed that the puppies hadn't actually lost 2 lbs.  I guess I will have to look for another container that fits the kitchen scale to hold the pupsters.  They are definitely too big for the shoebox.

I had to stop writing this, copy pictures off and then delete any because my ipad said it was almost out of memory.  Pictures and videos of puppies were the big users of memory so we should be good again.

We have a big day planned tomorrow.  Hopefully, more of it will be spent holding puppies.  One can never spend too much time cuddling puppies ;-). Puppy breath to all!  Nighty, Nighty, Nighty

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