Saturday, April 23, 2016

April 22, 2016 3 weeks old!

Good morning, good morning, the little dogs said.  And good noon, good afternoon, good evening and good night.  They're pretty much happy to greet all of their waking moments.  We're pretty happy to greet them as well.  They are so stinking cute and become more so every time I encounter them.

Dog CIndi came today and we had the 3 week photo shoot.  I dstracted MamaMila with the treat n train.  It worked better than throwing her chickens.

I added the vtech piano toy and they seem to like to make it sing.  For further excitement, the washing machine died, midcycle.  Apparently, it didn't feel that it needed to wash any more puppy laundry.

The puppies got to experience their first thunderstorm tonight.  They weren't too impressed, just snoozed right on through it.  And then the electricity went out.  They remained unfazed.  Good puppies!  

Apparently, the cable is out along with the power so we have no internet service.  I'm not certain when this will be posted now.

4 out of 6 puppies weigh over 4 lbs (about 4.25 lbs each) and the other 2 are still gaining nicely.  Mila's calories were increased today, too.  It seems that we are keeping up with her need as she is keeping up with theirs.  It will be interesting to see if she regurgitates for them like the rest of her family does (or if her mama is back, if she does.)

They are getting more stable on their feet and getting more coordinated in their attempts to play.  We've started praising for peeing in the potty area even if we placed them there and we also praise if the get pretty close ot it under their own power.  Pooping is not quite as far along yet but they are just 3 weeks old so we'll keep working on it.

I need to go cuddle with puppies and work on the laundry backlog.  Puppy breath to all, Nighty Nighty Nighty

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