Happy Birthday to the pupsters Human Great Grandma (my mother) and Great Aunt Marolyn!
Sorry the update is late. The trip home was rather eventul. Not for Mila and the pupsters, they just hung out in the traveling whelping pool (except when I had to put the pupsters in the puppy tote to have Tamara hold them while I was violently ill. Thank goodness there is are toilet facilities in the van). As usual, my dogs are MUCH better travelers than I am. Since we had to stop driving every time that happened, it took quite a while to get home. Finally, while we were at the Jackson rest area, Tamara called in the Villagers for reinforcements. Colleen and Jeremy live the closest to where we were AND they could both come so one of them could drive each vehicle; Tamara could be in charge of Mila and the puppies; and I could take every med I had that could possibly help. (I was not exactly helpful).
When we got home, the MSU had the room arranged and they brought Mila and the babies in to the pool. And then he unloaded ALL of our paraphernalia from the van while I took a bath (TMI alert, my first hurling bag had a hole in it so in additon to feeling awful, I was wearing vomity clothes. I'd much rather have puppy pee and poop on my clothes) and went to bed.
And, as if he hadn't already gone abpve and beyond the call of duty, he stayed up with Mila and the puppies all night long so both Tamara and I could do real, honest to goodness sleeping!
We held a weight watcher's meeting before we left yesterday and every puppy had gained more than an ounce. Mila is licking them more and more (she is stimulating and cleaning urine but not certain about poop yet) and she has reached the stage where she doesn't want to move from the box unless she absolutely must. (As in, we have to put a collar on her or use a puppy for her to follow to get her out.)
During toenail clipping yesterday, I quicked a puppy nail. In all of these years of doing puppy nails, I haven't done that. I could tell as soon as I clipped that it was deeper than I meant to go and I don't know how I got there unless it was one I had already done individually. But I go by feel so I should've known. At any rate, the puppy didn't fuss and there were only a couple of little tiny dots of blood on the white cloth I had under them and it stopped quickly so it's not the end of the world, just the end of my perfect streak.
Mila, the puppies and I are happy that they are in the round whelping pool again. There was a nice whelping box at Tamara's but I am more familiar with the round ones. In round, there aren't nearly as many places for the puppies to potentially get trapped behind the dam (that's why you use pig rails) and there is less space for them to get too far away. There isn't room for us to lie in with them (but I couldn't actually stretch out in it anyway, it was just a skosh shorter than I) but it is easy to reach everyone from the ottobenbed, couch or chair right beside the pool. Someone should make one of the really fancy ones round. But, then again, using the pools works really well because I can get 4 and switch the puppies over while I clean the one they've been in as needed. And when they atart going over the wall, expand their area.
Against all odds, the puppies managed to get even cuter. And they are still quite sweet and cuddly. I don't know why anyone ever tries to do anything else when they have puppies. They are magnetic.
Puppy breath to all
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