The pupsters have transitioned out of the pool prior to anyone going over the wall. I finally woke up enough to have some energy around 10:30 (pm). I am either becoming a modified Vampire feedign on puppy breath and super sugary 'hot dog' doughnuts or I am just on puppy nighttime schedule. I do adjust to staying up really late and sleeping later much easier than I can go to bed/get up ridiculously early (I can sleep in daylight but if it's still dark in the am when I get up, I am not worth much). Pretty sure I have too much vision to qualify as non24 and it works out ok the vast majority of the time so I'll go with it. In the dead of night, I steamed the floor and the additional puppy floor layer and arranged the new puppy area (same place just slightly different setup. I modify as needed to keep the puppies contained in an approrpiate size area as they develop.
The Pupsters seem happy, they can navigate and find the Mama when she is in there and sleep when she is not - sometimes when she is and they are sleeping it off. I think Allium was warmer than he found completely comfortable in the pool. Especially when MamaMIla slept in there all night long with them. There wasn't enough room for him to get a cool spot. If I took him out and let him lay directly on the floor, he'd sprawl out for a few minutes and then snooze on his side. Not certain why Mila stays in there all night long (she comes out during hte day) at this point but she gets to make a lot (most) of the mommying decisions and I make those decisions work.
LeAnne came this am to sit with puppies so I could get a little sleep. Jack cuddled with her and Mila guarded her puppies from perceived intruders (my MIL came to clean and Mila wasn't too happy with her until I was down here and then she wanted her to say hi. Feeding her cookies was also acceptable at that point. Before that, LeAnne put up the ex pen wall between the puppies and the door into that rest of the house. She hung blankets on that to recreate the great wall of puppyhiding and that made MIla happier.
I haven't been very successful with the weight watchers meetings. The puppies go to one ond of the shoebox and basically flip it so they can go merrily along their way (to their Mama who is being helpful in true water dog fashion). I tried them one night on the grooming table but she kept trying to join us. I thought she was after the puppies but then I remembered, I am also rewarding her for getting up on the table to lie down in preparation for nail trimming. That's not one of her favorite things so cooperative care is helpful. She really loves the probiotic paste (will try to lick it out of the puppies' mouths) so I give it to her for getting on the table and 'melting'. Whatever the reason, it is more diffcult that way and now that they have the flip and run trick, the grooming table is out.
I created a facebook page for the puppy pictures and updates. That way whichever Villager takes the picture, they can still upload them to be viewable without having to remember to tag everyone. Hopefully, we'll get it arranged in a somewhat logical manner for ease of use.
I think the Pupsters are pretty used to puppy yoga. We won't be doing it for too much longer anyway but I find it very endearing that they yawn for me when I start it. (Easier to sniff puppy breath and swipe some probiotic in there).
And the middle 4: Trillium, Snowdrops, Allium, and WItch Hazel have the shiny corner of the eye opening happening. MayApple and Wild Phlox are getting there but not quite yet. They all walk around on occasion (not crawl, they actually support their weight on their legs and move around purposefully - usually somewhat obviously following their noses). Cuter and cuter I tell you. I'm going to go huff some puppy breath and cuddle before I attempt to sleep beside the puppies. This evening, I practiced that by napping while the MSU sat here and was officially in charge. Quite the Saturday party for us ;-). Puppy breath to all and Nighty, Nighty, Nighty (maybe)
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