Monday, April 25, 2016

April 24, 2016 Pupdate

The pupsters had a pretty quiet Saturday night.  They did do a bar crawl every time they found an open bar though.  But they slept it off every time.  I'm tempted to call at least one puppy Otis (from Andy Griffith) because they drink themself into a stupor and then wobble off to sleep it off.  Of course, they are all much cuter than Otis.

MamaMila is fascinated by some of the toys that make odd noises.  When the ball rolls around and makes Tube of Gloom noises (I don't recall whether it was Tube of Gloom or Doom but it may be an obscure reference even if I get the name correct), she comes into the pen to check on it.  The puppies swarm her then and most of them manage to get a little drink of 2 while she stands.  Sometimes, she sits so they can reach. Unless she has gone in with the intention of feeding them, she rarely lays down in the pen.  She does that several times a day and 3-4 times during the night (10pm-6am is my current definition of night) and they are thriving so no need to worry.  Other than not doing poop duty, she's a very good Mama.

They really enjoyed the cardboard box today.  We let them have it for 2 awake sessions and a full litter nap (as opposed to the random puppy sleeping while several others play).  The second full litter nap, I gently encouraged them out of the box and we took the box out. They went in and out all of the flaps/cutouts and played with the bird ring and the crinkle bat tied to the braided fleece tug.  They are pretty funny biting/tugging on that without any teeth.  In true PWD fashion, they use their feet, too.

Play sessions are fast and furious and then they all fall asleep.  Some of them just flop over where they land and some seek out the perfect location (the perfect location seems to be one wher they can get as many appendages sticking out the ex pen as possible.

Today we made the poor puppies suffer through 70s music.  Yesterday was 'dance' music.  And the ever (un)popular Dog Show Noise CD (again, it is unpopular to me, they don't care). The longer, uncollapsed cat tunnel made its inaugural appearance this evening.  I had the shorter one in there but it is easily collapsed (and used as a bed).  They only had one play session after I put it in there and it wasn't a big one but they investigated it, chewed on it a little and went in and out.  I suspect when it comes out again tomorrow they'll be all over it.  They've certainly gotten the hang of the TotoFit wedge and the moving box (we've had to refold some of the flaps to reinforce it since they've started ganging up on it).

We have 26.25 lbs of pure puppy cuteness these days.  Every one has crossed the 4 lbs mark.  Good job Mila and puppies!  We'll be starting to feed them, too before long.  Puppy breath to all!  Nighty, Nighty, Nighty

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