Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August 4, 2014 2 Weeks Old!

               And eyes are opening!  I know they can’t see yet but they are on the way.  And growing, growing, growing!

               They like their Mama and they like people.  If (when is probably more accurate) I put my arms in the box, they are swarmed with puppies.  It’s very sweet.  And then the Mama comes over and distracts them.  They have no difficulty nursing while she sits now.

               Peak nursing demand is this week so we have to go up to 4,209 calories each day.  She is eating well and having reasonable poop so all is well on that front.  From the size of the puppies, she is making plenty of milk, too.

               They are very close to going over the wall so it’s time for phase 2 of the puppy pen.  I cleaned the floor but when it dries, I need to put down the plastic and the puppy matting on top of it and then ex pen around that.  The app for monitoring puppies is ready to go so I guess I will be sleeping in the bed some now.  As long as I sleep and don’t worry about puppies…  They won’t be wearing collars when I am not in the room either.

               I can’t believe they were born 2 weeks ago.  They grow so fast and I need to keep getting things ready for the next stage of development, there almost isn’t enough time left for cuddling puppies.  There’s never enough time for cuddling puppies all that I want to cuddle them and they are generally pretty amenable to being cuddled.  Unless the bar is open, then they are all about eating.  Working dogs already, they know their job and try their best to do it.

               It won’t be long before they will be getting to go outside on the deck.  That will mean I need to set up the play house, etc. for them soon, too.  They grow up way too fast. I need to go cuddle them before they grow up and leave me.  Have to get all of the puppy breath I can before it’s gone.


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