Let’s see, what happened today… Against all odds, the pupsters continued to be absolutely adorable ;-) They are getting more and more mobile and generally walk/lumber/run around with their tails up. That’s a good sign, hope they keep that up.
They recognize the MSU (or Not the Mama as he refers to himself to the dogs) and want him to come and greet them. When he got home from work tonight, they ran to the front of the pen and ‘talked’ to him. They were quite happy to be greeted and petted.
I think they already realize that if Jack comes over to the pen, a toy is likely to come in and they are ready to nab it. Poor Jack sometimes has to wait until a puppy is done with it before I throw it and occasionally, he has to get a whole new toy out. It’s a rough life for him ;-) Yesterday, he was playing with the big rope from water equipment (float lines, drag bag, etc.) and they absconded with that. It’s about 3 feet long with a few knots in it and they still carried/dragged it around. They also wallered (I know it should be wallowed but some of you urbanites might not get the pronunciation correct) and chewed it. I love it when they roll around with things in their mouths. Maybe that’s why their Aunt B still does it ;-)
I continued the afternoon snack from the flying saucer bowl again today, they were much quicker to realize what that was all about and came right over. So I started the Pup Pup call as they headed for the dish. When they start to really get into eating, I’ll start the magic word and whistle. The whistles came today, too. They aren’t different than the old ones except these are yellow. I’m sure they will be REALLY loud, too but that is rather the point. I sprayed the dog safe flea and tick repellant in the dog yard and perimeter again today since there was actually some time without rain. Eventually, the sun was even shining brightly. I the puppies sniff the air when I carry them out there but I haven’t taken them out to play as a group yet. So far, they have enough new stimulation indoors. But as I was spraying, we had a LOT of helicopter traffic back and forth over the holler (another ‘corrected’ spelling) so in between wondering what was going on (2 helicopters going back and forth over our house, ridge to ridge turning around and coming back over. Flew higher for the trip over than the trip back and it was consistent) I was lamenting a missed opportunity for the puppies. We better get some activity when they start going outside!
Part of them were awake for the linen change today -or as they seem to have termed it, their unfortunate incarceration. They were not nearly as receptive to being locked in the crate as they are to being in the pen. They never climb up on the sides of the pen but 3 of them were standing up on their hind legs on the sides of the crate. And voicing their protest, too. It’s really cute even if it is quite the cacophony. And the other 2 slept on through that. I love how puppies can sleep through anything.
They are definitely growing, maybe the Dog Cindi and LeAnne will help me have a weight watcher’s meeting when they come visit tomorrow. If they do, I will report the results.
I’m going to go have a little cuddle and sniff a little puppy breath before we sing the 3 songs and it is Sleepy Time Down South. Nighty, nighty, nighty…
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