Monday, August 4, 2014

August 3, 2014 Pupdate (posted late)

               Yesterday was not a good day for me.  The pupsters are all still fine but I was not.  Apparently, extended lack of sleep still makes me hurl.

               Colleen came over to take puppy pictures and ended up having to puppy sit until the MSU got home from golfing.  So after 2 in the afternoon, I wasn’t the one with the pupsters much of the time. I missed them but desperately needed the sleep.

               Colleen and Bobby reported yesterday that Tootsie and Kodiak are starting to open their eyes, too.  Not sure about Chipmunk but probably on her way, too.

               They ate well and cuddled nicely and cooperated somewhat for their photo shoot except when their mama would ‘help’.  Colleen can take pictures while throwing a toy for Jack.  Only on a couple of occasions did he have to nose punch her to remind her he was waiting ;-)

               Some of the puppies are singing to themselves in their sleep, it’s pretty cute.  I need to go make up for lost time.  Puppy breath for all…

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