Wednesday, August 6, 2014

8/6/14 Pupdate

               The babies are growing and moving around more and more.  And if one were so inclined to sit in the puppy pen, they will wake up and crawl up into one’s lap and have a snuggle.  Assuming I was not kidding anyone and will drop all pretense now.  When I pick them up they’ll nuzzle into my neck or hair and occasionally check for something akin to the milk bar but don’t fuss when they don’t find anything.  If they have any problem with Jack dropping monkey paws in on them, they haven’t shown it in any way.

               And they continue to grow and get cuter pretty much constantly.  That trait will serve them well later when they are monster puppies.  I almost can’t wait for them to get teeth.  But I am not in any hurry for them to leave so I won’t wish anything to go any faster.

               They twitch and stretch and curl up in their sleep and they’ll wander around for a new place to lie and flop down there.  They quickly make their way to the bar and then drop off to sleep it off.  Sometimes they’ll move away from the Mama, sometimes they just nap in place.  It’s hard work growing but they are serious about doing the job right.

               Today wraps up Puppy Yoga (Early Neurological Stimulation) according to my spreadsheet.  That means I need to start getting things ready for environmental enrichment (aka TOYS!)  In the meantime, I’ll keep enjoying the puppy breath.



Cristi Fogus Wetherholt

Allyn Portuguese Water Dogs – Structure, Temperament, Drive...ALL IN!

AKC Breeder of Merit

Barboursville, WV


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