Tuesday, August 26, 2014

August 26, 2014 Pupdate

              SammieDoodlebug insisted she was starving to death at 4 am.  I waited to see if she’d stop fussing but she didn’t so I got up and fed the big dogs.  I waited until 7 (daylight) to feed the babies and fed the big dogs again.  I didn’t get much sleep and I didn’t get a nap so I am tired.

              I took the puppies outside this morning to enjoy the weather.  After about an hour, they sun was chasing away the shade on the deck and even though they had gone into the play house, I worried they would get too hot so I carried them back in while they slept.  They were absolutely adorable running around on the deck.  Turtle somehow knows that the door into the laundry room is a door and kept trying to go in it – at the edge, not in the middle.  I have to tape a piece of paper to the glass again so they don’t run into it again.  I forgot I did that with the other puppies.  Guess I should have used some of my nonexistent spare time to read back in the old blog to see if I mentioned it. 

              I’m going to get some puppy breath and go to bed.  I fed the big dogs a few minutes ago and I’ll set an alarm for the middle of the night meal (generally known as last call around here) and hopefully tomorrow won’t start quite so early.  Nighty, nighty, nighty…

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