I was tired by the time we called it a night last night and forgot to turn off the piano toy. They were apparently not as exhausted because I heard them playing with it through the monitor ;-) I am going to try to get things back on schedule with posting the blog since I didn’t get yesterday’s up until midday today. I was a little congested and sore and didn’t feel like fooling with the laptop, especially when there was still more laundry to do (hey when you have 8 wardrobe changes in a day and have visitor cover ups and puppy laundry plus dog towels from 3 big dogs and 5 puppies, it takes a while) dishes to do (I left rinsed dishes from dinner in the sink overnight because I was too lazy/tired to unload the dishwasher last night) in addition to puppies that needed some attention ;-)
They have been very exuberant this morning. They swarmed my feet when I stepped in to feed them and they come running when I call. They are actually not bad at running for the most part, although occasionally they get going a little faster than they can control and they’ll roll. It’s pretty cute and they generally just climb back up and get going again.
I forgot to say yesterday that 2 separate puppies got the Mama’s tongue. She used to lick her siblings faces a lot (the Jilly Boo babies) and a couple of them grabbed her tongue. The Ten puppies didn’t do that that I can recall (perhaps they did it and we didn’t notice but I doubt it) but yesterday she was cleaning tonsils (maybe it’s her version of oral hygiene) and the puppy grabbed her tongue. She didn’t react (she never does) and then was licking again immediately after release. Another one grabbed it later during a similar encounter. Still no reaction from the Bug, just pause and as soon as he let go, she grabbed hold.
New day equals new toys in the pen. They received a box of new things yesterday and I put in a couple of those plus the big orange moose. They like them all and aren’t disturbed by the things that make noise, just as well since I have no end of talking things around here. Eventually, I put the beverage tub in the pen upside down for them. It took no time at all before Kodiak had climbed on top of it. And at that point, they had the first game of King of the Mountain. I’m certain it was the first of many. They played it a few more times today even. I turned it over and let them climb in and out of it but they also improvised a little tug and tipping it up on the edge and rolling it around. I have to make sure they don’t move it over to the edge and use it to escape.
There was a lot of paws on the top of the ex pen and hopping up of puppies today but no one actually made it out. I am no longer leaning over the edge to play with them since I don’t want to encourage them to stand up on containment. Good habits start early. The alfalfa pellets are supposed to be here tomorrow so I can make the potty area smell more like outside. They are pretty good at going to the pad to potty (and I remembered to put it AWAY from the area that they greet people) but last night they did a lot of peeing on the natural colored lamby fleece right after I put it down. Today they are back to going to the pad. I don’t know what the deal was. Most of them already have a potty dance. They definitely go over to the right spot for that. Won’t be long before they insist on going outside to potty.
The MSU just came home and they wanted the big greeting. All 5 of them putting their paws up and trying to get to him. I reminded him to gently help them down and to pet them while they were off the ex pen. When he went in to take his shower, they were still hoping for some attention - don’t have any idea why they would think anyone would pay attention to them ;-) – so I got in the back part of the pen to distract them. Worked so far, tomorrow will have to be rebuilding their little gated community. In the meantime, I am going to blame it on Caly since she was hopping in and with them and then back out while she was here this time. She had to be invited the first time and she was still very careful. And when Laura was holding a puppy (Laura is new to her) she kept vigil directly in front of her for a long time. Very much like her Mama and her Mama’s Mama ;-)
We are going to say nighty, nighty, nighty a little early this evening. I need to rest and it won’t hurt the puppies to have some more no people around time. They’ll still be under observation, I can’t help myself. Puppy breath to all and to all a good night…
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