There’s nothing like waking up to puppies playing beside you. They are so very very cute! And they are becoming more and more coordinated. Well, except when the MamaBug is standing up cleaning up after them and they are reaching up to have a snack. When she moves, some of them fall over. They scramble right back up undeterred and try to get to the bar again.
She still goes in to feed them and clean up after the babies a lot but she hangs out outside the pen most of the rest of the time. Occasionally, she’ll sleep with them while they are napping but not nearly as much as she used to do.
I take the toys out at night, I especially don’t wish to hear the piano toy going off in the night. That thing is LOUD (it has a low and a high but neither of them are very quiet) and is not conducive to me sleeping. I put them back in this morning while they were sleeping and during their next play session, Chipmunk was playing with one of the tugs. She mouthed it and crawled all over it and then actually got a hold of it with her mouth and held it. Some of the others came to get in on it but it is very disorganized and dissolved into wrestling and hungry hungry hippo.
I have to clean their pen and change their linens when they are asleep these days or they are very hard to contain. It’s really cute. It won’t be too long before they start going outside to play and I can do it while they are out.
It’s amazing to me how much they can change in the course of a day. This morning, they barely started playing with the tug toys and this afternoon Tootsie grabbed onto Jack’s monkey paw that he hung on the edge of the ferret ex pen. Tonight they are all running/lumbering toward it and gumming onto it. They are growing up WAY too fast.
I’m going to do some more cuddling and feed the old dogs one more time before I sing the three songs and we go nighty, nighty, nighty. Puppy breath to all…
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