Sunday, August 10, 2014

8/10/14 Pupdate

Another good day in the puppy pen.  They’ve continued to fulfill their duties of eating, sleeping, growing and generally being adorable.  When they are awake, they recognize there are other living beings around.  Not just the Mama, although she continues to be a favorite, they also interact with each other intentionally in addition to seeking interaction with humans.  They do like the humans (we are pretty enamored of them as well).

               They are getting very good at walking and if the Mama is not there to clean them up immediately, they walk off of the lamby fleece to go potty on the regular fleece. I know it’s just an instinct but I am going to start reinforcing it (environmentally).  Such smart little puppies. 

               Occasionally, I carry one around.  The Mama and the Mama’sMama aren’t quite as worried about that these days so I can take them out of the pen a little more.  I am careful not to choose the same one every time and I don’t always reward fussing for attention but I do like the one on one time. 

               I suspect that it will soon be time to start giving them real food.  They still seem to be getting plenty from the Mama judging by the size of them and their activity but I need to be ready for when the dam and the grand dam say it is time.

               I think I am going to start adjusting the feeding times for the Mama, especially when the puppies start eating.  Since the puppies are aware of people, I want to start waiting until it is daylight for it to be Good Morning time.  The old dogs are still sound asleep when I am serving breakfast (we aren’t early morning risers) and SDB is the only one really into eating that early.  If she is hungry earlier than daylight, she will tell me and I’ll start feeding her in the middle of the night.  It’s easier than having puppies who insist on getting up at the crack of long before dawn, at least for me.

               I’m going to do some last 2 week old cuddling and sniff a little more puppy breath before we all call it a day.  Nighty, nighty, nighty…


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