They pupsters were bright eyes and bushy tailed this morning. I heard them awake and playing at 6 something but it wasn’t daylight yet so I didn’t come feed them yet. They had wound down by daylight but were awake enough to have some breakfast. And a drink. Then the Mama topped them off at the bar. They followed it up with a post prandial nap.
When they began to stir awake again, I took them outside. We had another storm with a fair amount of rain last night so everything was wet. They didn’t mind, didn’t even seem to care. Good little puppies! While they were adventuring this morning, T2J went out into grass all by his lonesome. He didn’t go far but he went intentionally. After that, I walked out into the yard to see if the rest would come and they all did. They worked out whether to walk on the stepping stones or through the river rock but I couldn’t discern which puppy did what.
After that they were all off and on as chose. Chipmunk went out to poop in the grass all on her own. What a good puppy. Maybe the brainwashing is working. Several puppies went out to potty in the grass and gravel at various times. Kodiak was going to poop on the deck but I took him out in the grass and he pooped there after just a little sniffing. Tootise also took her little self out into the rocks to poop, too. Eventually everyone went off the deck to poop and some to pee, too! We are on the way… Exciting stuff in the life of a breeder ;-)
Since it was so wet out there, I was a little worried about them having a good place to nap so I took the top off of the castle sandbox and put a dry blanket in it. Then I propped the lid over it to make it sort of a den since they like to lie cuddle under things outside (smart pupsters). I have the ez up over that (it is getting harder to set it up alone, perhaps because it was bent in the downpour at the National in GA a few years ago) so we stayed dry. The girls went in to nap first but the boys wanted to sleep under my chair. After they went to sleep, I picked each up and put him in the box and petted him back to sleep. I did Kodiak first and after I did TJJ, he appeared to sleep but when I took my hand away, he moved over to cuddle with the girls. They’ve stayed out there longer today, it is overcast and cooler (and wet) so they are more comfortable.
Colleen brought her mother and aunt so we added two more new people to the list today. The puppies were displaying all of their cutest behaviors. They are very good at sitting to be picked up or petted. They also displayed some of their bad tricks like chewing on toes ;-) Doodlebug came out periodically to check on them and open the bar for them. She also had to pee and had 2 puppies hounding her and a third whining through the ex pen (I block off the part that has a drop off and the stairs. They aren’t old enough to do stairs) but she managed to pee without getting it on anyone. And she had to go a lot (she holds it so she won’t have to go out into the rain. She only likes to get wet for fun things like swimming or running)
SammieDoodlebug has been bringing puppy toys from the puppy pen to the puppies outside. I guess she wants to make sure they have what they need out here. We spent the vast majority of the day outside. It was nice and cool and rainy, too. At one point I was afraid that the sun was going to shine on us and we’d get too hot but then it decided to rain again. We went out and walked around and played in the rain, the things I do for puppies. I am not terribly fond of being wet but they seemed to like it. That whole water dog thing ;-)
At about 3pm, I started worrying about the ez-up collapsing from the rain. It had been raining pretty steadily and I had to keep pushing the top up to get the water off so I carried the sleeping puppies inside and took it down. The puppies have had a mostly quiet rest of the day/night except for some playtime and a couple of meals. I even took a nap this evening since the MSU was here to watch them for me. So it’s going to be sleepytime down south and we’re going to sign the 3 songs and say Nighty, nighty, nighty…