Wednesday, May 9, 2018

5/9/18 Pupdate

Another eventful day for the people and pupsters.. They get to nap a lot more than the humans.  They’ve all met some new people and did very well on the trip there and back.  No puking ( a little drool though) and very little fussing.
Some of the ones who were evaluated yesterday were fussing in the crate in the vehicle today so I did the nighty nighty nappy thing and they’d quiet down for a while.  We were talkng about it being weird but effective and then we talked about the 3 songs.  It has been suggested that I add Soft Kitty into the repertoire so I’m going to try it tonight.  I think I’ll have to add it at the beginning because I’ve been doing the other routine for nearly 16 years now.
They were happy to come home into the air conditioning and so was I.  They had a little siesta and then played and played.  If the big dogs don’t intercept them, I can get them all of the way into the pen pretty well between the Treat n Train and me going in there, too.  
This morning, the golden retriever that Vera brought with her (she’s in training for their assistance dog program) joined up with the pack of 9 for the little breakfast forage and some minor romping.  She even tried to join in the trip to the milk bar (there wasn’t room for her). Mater Gator played with her in the floor for 10-20 minutes this morning when her real puppies went to sleep.  She played with her like a puppy, not the bouncy barky play she normally does.  It was interesting since Caly hasn’t ever been too into puppies.
I fill their dish with water pretty often because they also think it’s a good place to sleep or part of their race course.  I don’t put too much in it at a time for the same reason but everytime I add water (it’s rarely actually empty when I add water), I also end up baptizing puppies because they all stick their heads in the way.  It’s a very PWD behavior but as someone who does NOT enjoy water on their face, I’m always fascinated that the puppies do it.
There was a partial roll of papers towels outside somewhere last night because I remember Aunt Cindi and Aunt Colleen talking about them.  It is now shredded in the playhouse.  A good time appears to have been had by all.
2 of the puppies have now mastered the dog door.  I am NOT encouraging it but I’m also not stopping it.  I have to really block it off when I don’t want them to do it.  This morning, I finally put those 2 in the inside pen and they played and napped together.  I guess the playhouse (full of shredded paper towel and siblings) was too crowded ;-)
I’m really sleepy and it takes a while for me to get the doors on their crates so I’m going to start the nighty nighty nighty routine.  Puppy breath to all!

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