Sunday, May 13, 2018

05/12/18 Pupdate

We had a BUSY day.  This morning was mostly within our normal routine.  The puppies had a good night for a pleasant tomorrow, awoke and went outside for potty and had a healthy breakfast and then ran around for a little while and played like wild little monsters.  Several of them have now mastered getting into their Mama’s chair so they inlcuded that in their play/alok running.
Eventually, they settled down so we came inside for a nap in the pen.  When I remember where the remote to the TreatnTrain is, they go flying into the pen like an adorable little herd of black somethings. I gave them some more water (filling water is a full time job) and they went nighty nappy. I tried to take care of some email instead of going back to bed because we had plans for this afternoon.  
They woke up and we repeated the process sans breakfast and with more playing (including playing with the hose). When I got them back inside after that session, they got to hear the lawn mower, the (battery powered) weedeater, the tractor and the leaf blower.  (I don’t let them outside for the lawn mower unless someone is there with them to make sure nobody escapes). 
Then took a quick shower to get ready for our excursion.  They were still asleep when it was time to leave so they were a little slow but managed to wake up and potty before I loaded them into the van.
They were a little fussy at the beginning but almost everyone settled down for the ride.
***This is the point last night where I was too sleepy to type anymore so I’m finishing it now.  Sorry for the delay***
They’d all get quiet and we’d have to stop for a light and someone would awaken and fuss a little (occasionally a lot) but after 45 minutes or so,we finally arrived at the crawfish boil.
It was REALLY hot (in the 90s with a ‘feel of 104’ - and that was earlier whne we were mowing) so we set up an ez up in the large fenced yard at Aunt Colleen’s and Uncle Jeremy’s.  There weren’t many people there yet (we tried to get there before the crowd) and the puppies were warm and tired so most of them snuggled into the cool grass for a little siesta after a few minutes of getting drinks, pottying, snuggling visitors etc.)
After that little rest, they were QUITE active.  They met at least 36 new adults and 11 children.  I had planned to leave earlier than we did but people (especially children which we don’t see too often) kept turning up so we wanted to meet them as well.  Toward the end, they puppies definitely needed to settle down and sleep but their Uncle Trek kept coming out and winding everyone up.  When he convinced them to go around the house to the furthest reaches of the yard and attempt the dog door (it’s a high-ish ramp for puppies), we got the ex pen we were using to protect the rose bush (apparently, rose hips are something they’d like included in their diet) and put them in it to settle down.  One puppy was still over stimulated and caught a tooth on the ex pen somehow.  Aunt Colleen got it loose but she got a nice little lancet wound to her finger - they could help people to their finger pricks for blood tests). I had to sing some of the songs to them to get all of them to finish settling down but they eventually did so we loaded them up into the crates in the van and, after a few additional visits/good byes headed home.  Nobody made a peep.
We took them into the dog yard for potties and then into the pen - it makes a BIG difference when I don’t have the TNT remote.  They follow me (from under my feet) to see where we are going instead of running ahead into the pen.  I gave them some water and I went to take a shower/lie down until last call.  I was so tired/sleepy at last call that I couldn’t get the doors on the crates so they had free range of the pen all night.  They pottied in the pan but mostly just moved around to different places to sleep according to the 8 million motion detected videos.  I didn’t even get my phone on do not disturb but I didn’t wake up from the camera notification buzzes until 5am.
The puppies woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed from our adventures. I’m wishing I didn’t give up caffeine 15 years ago...
In case we don’t get any more written today - Happy Mother’s Day and Happy Birthday to their DiDi!  Puppy breath to all. Nighty Nighty Nappy if you are lucky - or nap on my behalf.  I’m too busy cuddling/playing with puppies.

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