Tuesday, May 8, 2018

5/8/18 Pupdate

5/8/18 Pupdate
I’m a bad blogger but I’ve been providing stilmuatling environments for hte pupsters.     Yesterday we had new people and dog visitors; ate our first chicken wings; had a trip to the pond area ( a few of us waded, several of us scared everybody by running onto the dock and even over onto the boat platforms and we all got to watch our Mama wildly retrieve) and just generally had a good time being puppies.
This morning, we had a trip in the van. We were almost all good riders on the first trip and were all nice and quiet on the way home but one of us threw up.  Those roads are REALLY curvy and we had a lot of start/stop traffic on the way home.  Then we sat there all day taking turns going in and playing in a new place with strange people.  Only 5 of us got turns today, the other 4 are tomorrow.  We did all kinds of fun, weird stuff and some people talked about what we did for a really long time each time.  The people are all exhausted but we were raring to go when we finally got home about 6 pm.
We’re going to go potty and say Nighty Nighty Nighty.  Puppy breath to all!

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