Sunday, May 20, 2018

05/20/18 Pupdate

Another bad day for me.  2 more of the  puppies went home with their new people today.  It sounds like it is going well for the 3 that have left but I miss all of them.
They met 2 more new people and another PWD today.  Other than the visitors, we mostly had a quiet day.
Only having 6 here seems like so few puppies. It does help to have been counting down from 9 instead of up but I still miss the 3 that have left.
It didn’t rain today so we finally mowed the dog yard again.  The freshly bathed puppies had a big time playing in the grass clippings (it had gotten pretty long).  It brushes out but they were really cute wallering around.
At least nobody leaves tomorrow.  We’re going to have a few extra cuddles tonight and then do our night time routine.  It’s supposed to storm tomorrow so I’m not sure what we are doing but we’ll have lots of fun and cuddles.  Nighty, nighty, nighty.

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