Saturday, May 12, 2018

05/11/18 Pupdate 8 Weeks Old!

These puppies are absolutely beyond adorable.  Even when they are wild little monsters!  We tried to spend a lot of time out enjoying the sunshine today (partly because 9 puppies need to go potty a lot and when one goes outside, they all want to go outside so it’s simpler to stay out there plus it was a nice day to be in the sunshine.)
It was a little warm so when the puppies started going to sleep in mid afternoon, I brought them inside where it’s cooler.  But apparently, cooling them down wakes them up so it took a while before they settled back into a nap.  I needed one too but they go to sleep faster and sleep a lot more soundly than I do.  Although, they are beginning to wake up when they hear me coming.
There was a lot of helicopter traffic today.  I don’t know what it was about but it was good for the puppies to hear/see.   They paid attention to the first couple that flew over (or the first couple of times the same one flew over, I don’t know) but generally ignored the rest.
We played with the hose/water a fair amount today.  Some of the puppies come running whenever I get it out so I adjust the spray to let them get a mist and/or make it ‘rain’ by spraying it straight up in the air.  There is so much pollen blowing around that I need to wash the deck off fairly often too so they get to play in that water as well.  This evening, I left it lying on the deck after rinsing (I was receiving so much PWD ‘help’ that it was easier to just leave it there for a while).  I realized when there were puppies mouthing the ‘switch’ that I was living dangerously but fortunately, they didn’t spray me.  They like being wet a lot more than I do. (I know I love a strange breed to be someone that doesn’t enjoy being wet very much)
King of the Hill continues to be the height of fun.  Today a couple of them mastered getting into the camp bench chair that we got for their MamaGator to use to be out of their reach.  She wasn’t in it at the time (I was for the first few times, then they just started doing it at will).
Their dremeled toenails still feel a lot better ut the little needle teeth are still very sharp.  I THINK they may have used them on my legs a little less today.  They do talk to each other about how to use them gently and the older girls definitely tell them what’s acceptable and what isn’t (although they are covered in hair so it doesn’t seem to hurt them as easily.
They have decided that the branches of the Burning Bushes sticking through the fence above their reach are a very coveted prize and will bark and jump at them.  Their great aunt Phoenix would jump up and pick apples from the tree so I guess they come by it honestly.  It is further indication that they know to look up for interesting things in the world.
   It only took 8 weeks, but we finally have a litter theme for their registered names, one of LeAnne’s favorite books, Lord of the Rings.
It’s time for us to call it a night, we have a big day planned tomorrow (we took it easy today and just did home things).  Puppy breath to all!  Nighty Nighty Nighty

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