Thursday, May 3, 2018

05/02/18 Pupate

We had a weird day today.  Every day is a little weird because That Lady aka Aunt Mama is always saying we need to experience new things but and they are always enjoyable or at leaast ignorable (like some of those CDs).  First, Aunt Mama got us up early and took us outside for breakfast and playtime.  We stayed outside for a long time and she kept encouraging us to play instead of taking us back in the house and singing the 3 songs and telling us to go Nighty Nighty Nappy.
Eventually, we couldn’t stay awake any longer so we went inside the playhouse for a nap.  But about 15 minutes later, Aunt Cindi and Aunt Leanne came to see us so we woke up and ran around some more.  Aunt Mama kept going in and out and carrying some of our stuff around - and not just into the laundry room to wash like she usually does.  Eventually, she started carrying US out to the big van we rode home in (we don’t remember much about that trip since our ears and eyes weren’t open and we were generally pretty sleepy) and put us in crates. 
We still aren’t sure how we feel about being in crates but for the most part it seems ok.  She always makes sure we have our familiar smelling blankies/beds/toys in them but they are smaller than the yard and deck.  Nanny McPhoebe and GrammieSammie didn’t get in the van with us but our Mama did.  Some of us fussed a little but they sang the 3 songs and we quieted down. Until the van stopped at the end of Fudges Ck so they sang us quiet again.  That worked until they finally got on something called the interstate and we quieted down for most of the rest of the way.  A couple of us threw up but we managed not to get it all over each other.
Eventually we got ‘there’ and there was a whole bunch of moving us out of crates and letting these strange ladies do stuff to our eyes.  Other than having to wait in those crates, it wasn’t bad.  But Aunt Mama figured out how to give us squirty cheese and the ladies held us and passed us around a little bit.  One lady looked in all of our eyes and then we all got arranged back into the crates in the van and started back home.  We didn’t fuss this time, in fact we slept most of the way home.  We were still quiet even if we weren’t sleeping.
And then we FINALLY got to go back into our yard and run and play and have some REAL dinner  since breakfast was kibble and lunch was pretty light too in case we got sick in the car (nobody did on the way home).  We played and played and played.  It started getting pretty dark so we came inside to play some more.  What a big day, no wonder Aunt Mama says it’s time to sing the 3 songs to us.  Puppy breath to all, nighty, nighty, nighty

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