Monday, May 21, 2018

05/21/18 Pupdate

I had planned an uneventful day today but with 6 9.5 week old puppies an uneventful day isn’t in the cards.  (Nor should it be).
They were good little puppies to go out for pottying and breakfast and then into the pen for a nap. I’d had sinus issues so I went back to bed, too.  When we went outside, various puppies decided to demonstrate that they, too, could use the dog door.  5 of the 6 have done it.
One of the puppies decided to demonstrate the ability to go over the short ex pen (I’m actually a little amazed that none of them have done that yet.). So I took them all back outside (and eventually remembered to block the dog door since more came back inside to check on me), and changed it out for a taller one.
We had several thunderstorms today with some really big rain. Not so much thunder but enough to count.  We ran outside to ‘enjoy’ it a couple of times and just stayed inside for some.  At least the electricity didn’t go out.
Nanny McPhoebe is quite distressed by the length of time it takes them to chew a lamb ear or a tendon.  She gets one when they do but hers is always gone much quicker and she worries about theirs.  And the taller ex pen doesn’t stop her.
Caly was on top of one of the crates to their pen this evening. I have no idea what she was doing other than demonstrating for the puppies.  I hope they didn’t take careful note of that.
Wonder what tomorrow will bring.  Nighty, nighty, nighty.  Puppy breath to all

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